Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP-L137
I just bought a SECOND OMAP-L138 LCDK board because I thought I had made mistake when I started the board (I left the dip switches to "00000000"). Try to follow the instruction to get a image, but the board never boot... So, I would like to get a working system as easy as the instruction manual said... That why I spend the money for the second board and I made sure to proceed as follow to be able to start learning DSP A.S.A.P (Base on the document, it is a walk in the park...)
1-) Assessed the uSD card see attache (EMPTY)? Base on the starting instruction this uSD should have Linux install with other tools
2-) Made a bk image of the uSD (I used gnome-disk-utility)
3-) Adjusted the dip swithes "01110000" as request in the instruction
4-) Connected the USB cable to J3
5- started minicom (115200, 8N1, No flow control)
6-) Connected the supply the board (5V DC supplied with the kit
7-) U-boot failed AGAIN...
By the way I had exactly the same experience with a OMAP-L137 EVM board, that why I turn to the OMAP-L138, expecting better result...
Is there anyway to receive the uSD card (One for the OMAP-L137 [] AND OMAP-L138 LCDK []) so that can start using the board the way it is suppose (Pre-builded that I can use to learn FIRST before trying to BUILD System) Progressive learning!
Here are few screenshots of what happen