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I just bought a SECOND OMAP-L138 LCDK board because I thought I had made mistake when I started the board (I left the dip switches to "00000000"). Try to follow the instruction to get a image, but the board never boot... So, I would like to get a working system as easy as the instruction manual said... That why I spend the money for the second board and I made sure to proceed as follow to be able to start learning DSP A.S.A.P (Base on the document, it is a walk in the park...)
1-) Assessed the uSD card see attache (EMPTY)? Base on the starting instruction this uSD should have Linux install with other tools
2-) Made a bk image of the uSD (I used gnome-disk-utility)
3-) Adjusted the dip swithes "01110000" as request in the instruction
4-) Connected the USB cable to J3
5- started minicom (115200, 8N1, No flow control)
6-) Connected the supply the board (5V DC supplied with the kit
7-) U-boot failed AGAIN...
By the way I had exactly the same experience with a OMAP-L137 EVM board, that why I turn to the OMAP-L138, expecting better result...
Is there anyway to receive the uSD card (One for the OMAP-L137 [] AND OMAP-L138 LCDK []) so that can start using the board the way it is suppose (Pre-builded that I can use to learn FIRST before trying to BUILD System) Progressive learning!
Here are few screenshots of what happen
Hello there,
Apologies for the delayed response, I am still working through the threads that came in over thanksgiving.
It looks like the board is responding, which is a good sign. That means that the hardware itself is fine. If you were not seeing anything at all on the terminal, that could be more problematic.
Limited design support for OMAP-L137 & OMAP-L138
It sounds like you are only just now starting your development process. Is that true?
Please keep in mind that OMAP-L137/OMAP-L138 are older processors, with older software. Our team can no longer support hardware or software design questions about these processors. So if you are just starting your design, I would suggest looking at a newer processor where we would be able to offer support throughout your design process.
If needed, I can send you to a member of our marketing team to discuss other processors that may be a good fit for your design.