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Scalar link configuration VCAP + VENC + VDIS use case fails while porting DVR RDK on TI8168EVM

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS7368, TVP7002


We are trying to port DVR RDK to TI 8168 EVM board.

We have already configured TVP7002 and THS7368 (able to do I2c read/write).

Using VCAP + VENC + VDIS use case when:

, we are able to create capture, dup and merge links. While creating scalar link it hangs for a while and then fails with the following ASSERT:

[m3vpss ]  14428: CAPTURE: Create in progress !!!  
 [m3vpss ]  pInst->numChPerOutput=1
 [m3vpss ]  pObj->createArgs.fakeHdMode=0.
 [m3vpss ]  14461: CAPTURE: VIP0 PortA capture mode is [24-bit, Non-mux Discrete Sync - HSYNC_VSYNC] !!!
 [m3vpss ]  pInst->numChPerOutput=1
 [m3vpss ]  pObj->createArgs.fakeHdMode=0.
 [m3vpss ]  14596: CAPTURE: VIP1 PortA capture mode is [24-bit, Non-mux Discrete Sync - HSYNC_VSYNC] !!!
 [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: Allocated CH (TCC) = 58 (58)
 [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 0 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 58 (0x49004740)
 [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 1 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 64 (0x49004800)
 [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 2 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 65 (0x49004820)
 [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 3 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 66 (0x49004840)
 [m3vpss ]  CAPTURE::HEAPID:0    USED:520
 [m3vpss ]  CAPTURE::HEAPID:4    USED:55848960
 [m3vpss ]  14731: CAPTURE: Create Done !!!
 [m3vpss ]  14737: DUP   : Create Done !!!
 [m3vpss ]  14742: DUP   : Create Done !!!
 [m3vpss ]  14743: MERGE   : Create Done !!!
 [m3vpss ]  14744: SCLR: Create in progress !!!

 [m3vpss ]  AVSYNC:WallTime IGNORE Unexpected Discontinuity.PrevTs[73004]/CurTs[226941]
 [m3vpss ]  AVSYNC:WallTime IGNORE Unexpected Discontinuity.PrevTs[226941]/CurTs[380958]
 [m3vpss ]  380958: Assertion @ Line: 717 in links_m3vpss/sclr/sclrLink_drv.c: pObj->fvidHandle != NULL : failed !!!

in case of scEnable=TRUE

capture fails itself with the following ASSERT:

 [m3vpss ]  14077: CAPTURE: Create in progress !!!
 [m3vpss ]  pInst->numChPerOutput=1
 [m3vpss ]  pObj->createArgs.fakeHdMode=0.
 [m3vpss ]  14110: CAPTURE: VIP0 PortA capture mode is [24-bit, Non-mux Discrete Sync - HSYNC_VSYNC] !!!
 [m3vpss ]  14110: Assertion @ Line: 870 in links_m3vpss/capture/captureLink_drv.c: pInst->captureVipHandle != NULL : failed !!!

What might be the reason for this. Any issue with scalar configuration parameters. And is yes, how do we configure it correctly.

And also why and when is AVSYNC getting called.

videoIfMode        = SYSTEM_CAPT_VIDEO_IF_MODE_24BIT;

Input: VGA 1920x1080, 60fps


Tushar Nautiyal