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UART BOOT doesn't working

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRA742, DRA744


I have verify that the uart boot is successful on the evm board. (dra742)

but I failed when I tried to verify uart boot on our previous generation product. (dra744)

1st stage boot to MLO is working and the command line shows "u-boot-spl.bin file download completed.

then I try to  transmit u-boot.img to DUT through YMODEM, but it's can't working. XMODEM also.

Are there any hardware settings that need to be changed?

thanks for your help

  • Hi Shawn,

    Can you confirm you are using UART3 for booting, with pads uart2_rtsn, uart2_ctsn muxed as uart3_txd, uart3_rxd ?

    See also the below wiki pages:'s_Guide

  • Hi Shawn,

    I have forwarded your question to UART expert.

  • Hi Pavel,

    yes , the following is my setting in mux_data.h

  • Shawn,

    You stated that u-boot-spl.bin/MLO is transferred and loaded successful, correct? Can you provide full console log?

    And you have an issue with transfer u-boot.img. Can you provide full console log?

    Note that u-boot-spl.bin is transferred and loaded from internal RAM (OCMC_RAM1 start at 040300000) while u-boot.img is transferred and loaded from DDR RAM (start at 0x80000000). So the issue might be in your DDR RAM. Have you test and verify your DDR is correctly operating?

  • Shawn

    What is the release version you are using ? Is there any specific reason  you want to use only UART boot mode.

    Alternately you can use USB peripheral boot (SPL-DFU feature),  loading MLO/u-boot.img over USB  from Ubuntu PC to EVM.



  • Hi Ravi,

    According to specification, the 1st step for usb-boot is to use "usbboot" command in Ubuntu Host PC.
    Is this command have Windows version?
  • Hi Pavel,

    the following is 1st stage console log
    use windows 7
    C:\Perl> -p com11 -s c:\Perl\u-boot-spl.bin -d 1
    BYTES=93820 file_bytes=7c6e0100 prefix_bytes=020003f0 string bytes=020003f07c6e0
    ----Please reset the Board NOW (timeout=30 sec)----
    04 01 05 01 56 41 07 02 13 02
    01 00 12 15 01 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 14 21 01 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Board Detected
    waiting for draining 40
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    -->1660 1660 1 1660
    c:\Perl\u-boot-spl.bin file download completed

    2nd-stage to transfer u-boot.img doesn't have any console log
    I use Tera Term to transfer u-boot.img. there is no response.

    We can boot from sdboot mode , so I think DDR setting is correctly operating.


  • Hi Shawn,

    I do not have Windows PC to try this on my side.

    Can you please provide me the steps (and logs) you are using to build your u-boot-spl.bin and u-boot.img files? Can you provide me the steps and logs when successfully boot from UART on DRA7x TI EVM?

    Can you try also UART boot with Ubuntu virtual machine?

    See also if the below e2e threads will be in help:

  • Shawn

    The usbboot tool available for Linux Host. 

    I will check for windows based  and let you know.



  • Hi Shawn,

    there is the link from Ravi for usbboot tool for windows:
    You need to have NDA to have access to it, if you do not have it you can contact your local FAE.

  • Hi Yordan,

    thanks, i will try it.
