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TMS320C6748: wrong data read at upp from ADC

Part Number: TMS320C6748
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS4242

Dear Champs,

My customer found wrong data from the upp when they generated test pattern in the ADC which increase data by 1, and ADC is ADS4242 is connected to upp. 

But, they found there was wrong bit read of 0x3fff after 0x3efe. e.g. 0x3efe -> 0x3fff -> 0x3f00

Could you please check customer's sw in below and let me know why this wrong bit read occurred?


They connected ADC channels to upp channels as below in their HW by mistake,

DATA[15:8] = ADC Channel B[15:8]

DATA[7:0]   = ADC Channel B[7:0]

XDATA[15:8] = ADC Channel A[15:8]

XDATA[7:0]   = ADC Channel A[7:0]

So, they swap bytes and stored it as below.

DMA I channel(DDR Page 6 = 0xC600_0000) : ADC Channel B[7:0] + ADC Channel A[7:0]

DMA Q channel(DDR Page 7 = 0xC700_0000) : ADC Channel B[13:8] + ADC Channel A[13:8]

They generated test pattern from ADS4242 by increasing '1', and found below values in the C6748 DSP.

Can you guess why this wrong value was read? Could you please check what is wrong in their SW?

As they are using 2ch of upp, they are using last one in below table, and swapped byte to meet below requirement.

Thanks and Best Regards,