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AM1808: SPI max speed (48MHz)?

Part Number: AM1808


What is the max SPI speed that AM1808 can support?  Can AM1808 SPI runs at 48MHz and if so, would you please provide clock settings for PLL/SPI to do this?

I configured SPI clock for 50MHz (prescale = (150MHz module clk / 50MHz desired SPI clk) -1) but SPI failed to read Device ID of a Winbond SPI Flash.

I was able to read Winbond's Device ID at 37.5MHz (prescale = (150MHz module clk / 37.5MHz desired SPI clk) -1).  The  Winbond SPI Flash was verified working at 52MHz with a different platform.



  • Hi Dat,

    The max SPI speed that AM1808 supports depends on the voltage of the SPI interface (i.e. 1.3V, 1.2V, 1.1V, or 1.0V) and whether the SPI is in master or slave mode.

    See the min cycle time specified in the SPI Electrical Data/Timing section of the AM1808 datasheet.

