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PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-SW: Driver control from PRU


I had been unable to get back to this for a long time, but I believe I have a working means of exporting carveout information from a remoteproc via sysFS such that it will create the carveout directory in the remoteproc directory and export the carveout address when the PRU starts up, and remove it when it shuts down. I'm just interested if Nick Saulnier or Suman have any critiques, like regarding what references are safe to keep globally between startup and shutdown, and if I should be getting some of my references differently to respect reference counting considerations. I'm also interested in if they have any new suggestions for handling high-bandwidth data exchange between PRU and Application processor.

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/remoteproc.h>
#include <linux/kobject.h>
#include <linux/sysfs.h>

MODULE_AUTHOR("Bill Merryman");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A simple module to access information from the PRU rproc.");

	is a symbolic link for 
	is a symbolic link for 


struct rproc *rproc_ptr;
struct kobject *remoteproc_device_kobj_ptr;
struct kobject *carveout_dir_kobj_ptr;
static struct rproc_subdev *rproc_subdev;
static ssize_t carveout_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr,
                      char *buf)
	struct resource_table *table = rproc_ptr->table_ptr;
	struct fw_rsc_carveout *c;
	int i;
	if (!table) {
		return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < table->num; i++) {
		int offset = table->offset[i];
		struct fw_rsc_hdr *hdr = (void *)table + offset;
		void *rsc = (void *)hdr + sizeof(*hdr);
		if(hdr->type == RSC_CARVEOUT) c = rsc;
	return sprintf(buf, "%x\n", (c) ? c->pa : 0);

static struct kobj_attribute carveout_attribute =__ATTR(carveout_address, 0440, carveout_show, NULL);

int rproc_access_driver_probe(struct rproc_subdev *subdev)
	int error = 0;
	carveout_dir_kobj_ptr = kobject_create_and_add("carveout", remoteproc_device_kobj_ptr); 
	if(!carveout_dir_kobj_ptr) return -ENOMEM;
	printk(KERN_INFO "Carveout subdirectory created on PRU startup\n");
	error = sysfs_create_file(carveout_dir_kobj_ptr, &carveout_attribute.attr);
	if (error) pr_debug("failed to create the carveout_address file in carveout directory\n");
	return error;

void rproc_access_driver_remove(struct rproc_subdev *subdev)
		carveout_dir_kobj_ptr = NULL;
		printk(KERN_INFO "Carveout subdirectory removed on PRU shutdown\n");
		printk(KERN_INFO "rproc kobj null. Carveout subdirectory NOT removed\n");

static int __init rproc_access_driver_init(void)
	struct device_node *pru_device_node_ptr;
	struct platform_device *pru_platform_device_ptr;
	struct device *remoteproc_device_ptr;

	pru_device_node_ptr = of_find_node_by_path("/ocp/pruss_soc_bus@4a326004/pruss@0/pru@34000");
		printk(KERN_INFO "pru device node could not be acquired at init\n");
		return -ENODEV;
	printk(KERN_INFO "pru device node acquired at init. full_name: %s\n", pru_device_node_ptr->full_name);
	pru_platform_device_ptr = of_find_device_by_node(pru_device_node_ptr);

	if (!pru_platform_device_ptr) return -EPROBE_DEFER;

	if (!strstr(dev_name(&pru_platform_device_ptr->dev), "pru") && !strstr(dev_name(&pru_platform_device_ptr->dev), "rtu"))
		return -ENODEV;

	rproc_ptr = platform_get_drvdata(pru_platform_device_ptr);
	if (!rproc_ptr) return -EPROBE_DEFER;

	printk(KERN_INFO "rproc acquired at init. name: %s\n", rproc_ptr->name);

	//I should probably use get_device here, but I'll live dangerously for now...
	remoteproc_device_ptr = &rproc_ptr->dev;
	remoteproc_device_kobj_ptr = &remoteproc_device_ptr->kobj;
	printk(KERN_INFO "remoteproc kobj name: %s\n", remoteproc_device_kobj_ptr->name);

	rproc_subdev = kzalloc(sizeof(*rproc_subdev), GFP_KERNEL);
	if(!rproc_subdev) return -ENOMEM;

	rproc_add_subdev(rproc_ptr, rproc_subdev, rproc_access_driver_probe, rproc_access_driver_remove);

	return 0;

static void __exit rproc_access_driver_exit(void)
	 * Here we will have to account for the possibility that the rproc
	 * may have been already removed by the time we remove our driver.
	 * So we need to check for its existance, and if it exists, remove
	 * the subdevice we created for the carveout. We will also have to
	 * account if the related PRU is running, in which case we will have
	 * to do a full teardown before the main exit logic.
	struct device_node *pru_device_node_ptr;
	struct platform_device * pru_platform_device_ptr;
	struct rproc *rproc_ptr;

	pru_device_node_ptr = of_find_node_by_path("/ocp/pruss_soc_bus@4a326004/pruss@0/pru@34000");
		printk(KERN_INFO "pru device acquired at exit. full_name: %s\n", pru_device_node_ptr->full_name);
		pru_platform_device_ptr = of_find_device_by_node(pru_device_node_ptr);

		if (pru_platform_device_ptr)
			if (strstr(dev_name(&pru_platform_device_ptr->dev), "pru") || strstr(dev_name(&pru_platform_device_ptr->dev), "rtu"))
				rproc_ptr = platform_get_drvdata(pru_platform_device_ptr);
				if (rproc_ptr)
					printk(KERN_INFO "rproc acquired at exit. name: %s\n", rproc_ptr->name);
					rproc_remove_subdev(rproc_ptr, rproc_subdev);
	printk(KERN_INFO "Freeing carveout subdevice memory\n");


  • Hello Bill,

    Good to chat again!

    For future readers, this continues the discussion started in posts What is the best way to access PRU remoteproc carveouts from userspace? and Driver control from PRU.

    Is this an appropriate summary of your usecase? Is there anything else you would add to clarify the above post?
    Goal: Move 3MB/sec of data from PRU to non-root Linux userspace.
    Overview of solution: You decided to create a driver to expose PRU memory to userspace. Your use case does not require the driver to enable interrupts between PRU and Linux. You want your driver probed when PRU firmware is initialized and removed when the PRU is stopped. The above driver uses rproc_add_subdev to add a rproc sub-device.

    What version of Linux are you using at this point?



  • Greetings Nick,

    Pleasure hearing from you again as well. Your summary was perfect. I am using Debian 9.5 on Beaglebone (Green).

    My project is a robotics project with the Beaglebone. This particular part is, I have a cheap camera module (OV7675) that transmits a 320 x 240 RGB565 (so 16 bit color info) video stream across an 8 bit bus to a PRU at 15 frames per second. The PRU re-encodes the RGB565 to 24 bit RGB and pumps it to a remoteproc carveout buffer. So (320 x 240 x 3 byte RGB x 15 frames per second) = about 3MB a second from the PRU to main memory.

    RPMsg is robust, but doesn't seem like it would accommodate the data velocity in real time. I would consider any other options that get the data from the PRU to userspace in real time in a usable video format. Using a carveout works well enough for my purposes so far, but the carveout isn't exposed to userspace. I am able to mmap it into process-space which is simple, but the address of the carveout is only exposed through DebugFS, which isn't well structured. The LKM I am working on will expose carveout information through SysFS in the one-value-per-file format. My current rough draft exposes the starting address of one carveout if it exists. I may eventually introduce functionality to move data contained in the carveout (as opposed to metadata about the carveout) to userspace by way of this driver.

    Thanks again for any comments and suggestions!

  • Put together something a little more substantial.

    #include <linux/init.h>
    #include <linux/module.h>
    #include <linux/kernel.h>
    #include <linux/of.h>
    #include <linux/of_device.h>
    #include <linux/remoteproc.h>
    #include <linux/kobject.h>
    #include <linux/sysfs.h>
    MODULE_AUTHOR("Bill Merryman");
    MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A simple module to access carveout information from the pru rproc.");
    	is a symbolic link for 
    	is a symbolic link for 
    struct carveout_kobject
    	struct kobject kobj;					//kobject for carveout_{n} directory in the carveouts directory
    	int resource_entry_number;				//position in the resource table's offsets array of the carveout
    	struct fw_rsc_carveout *carveout;		//entry in the resource table of the carveout resource
    	struct list_head node;					//to add to linked list of carveouts (carveout_directories) in rproc_subdev_container
    struct rproc_subdev_container
    	struct rproc_subdev rproc_subdev;		//'the' carveout monitor subdevice
    	struct rproc *rproc;					//rproc this carveout monitor is a subdevice for
    	struct kobject *carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr;	//the 'carveouts' directory that each carveout information dir will be added to
    	struct list_head carveout_directories;	//list of type carveout_kobject, one for each carveout
    //'The' subdevice container that implements our carveout monitor. May eventually modify to enumerate all remoteproc instances.
    static struct rproc_subdev_container *rproc_subdev_container;
    //The file attributes associated with each carveout: physical address (pa), length (len), and name (name)
    //shows the physical address of the carveout				
    static ssize_t pa_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf)
    	struct carveout_kobject *carveout_kobject = container_of(kobj, struct carveout_kobject, kobj);
    	struct fw_rsc_carveout *carveout = carveout_kobject->carveout;
    	return sprintf(buf, "%x", carveout->pa);
    //shows the length/size of the carveout					   											   
    static ssize_t len_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf)
    	struct carveout_kobject *carveout_kobject = container_of(kobj, struct carveout_kobject, kobj);
    	struct fw_rsc_carveout *carveout = carveout_kobject->carveout;
    	return sprintf(buf, "%x", carveout->len);
    //shows the name of the carveout					   											   
    static ssize_t name_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf)
    	struct carveout_kobject *carveout_kobject = container_of(kobj, struct carveout_kobject, kobj);
    	struct fw_rsc_carveout *carveout = carveout_kobject->carveout;
    	return sprintf(buf, "%s", carveout->name);
    static struct kobj_attribute carveout_pa_kobj_attribute = __ATTR_RO(pa);
    static struct kobj_attribute carveout_len_kobj_attribute = __ATTR_RO(len);
    static struct kobj_attribute carveout_name_kobj_attribute = __ATTR_RO(name);
    struct attribute *carveout_attrs[] = {
    //end: The file attributes associated with each carveout: physical address (pa), length (len), and name (name)
    //Custom release method and kobj_type for our kobject container which represents the kobject for each carveout subdirectory
    void obj_release(struct kobject *kobj)
        struct carveout_kobject *carveout_kobject = container_of(kobj, struct carveout_kobject, kobj);
        printk(KERN_INFO "freeing %s carveout_kobject\n", kobject_name(&carveout_kobject->kobj));
    static struct kobj_type carveout_kobj_ktype = {
    	.release	= obj_release,
    	.sysfs_ops	= &kobj_sysfs_ops,
    int rproc_access_driver_probe(struct rproc_subdev *subdev)
    	//Get the subdevice container to get the rproc, which is used to get the resource table, 
    	//and also to get the device through which we get the kobject
    	//The kobject is for the remoteproc directory, in my case:
    	//		/sys/devices/platform/ocp/4a326004.pruss-soc-bus/4a300000.pruss/
    	//which is also aliased from 
    	//		/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc1
    	//I should probably use get_device for the device here, but I'll live dangerously for now...
    	struct rproc_subdev_container *rproc_subdev_container = container_of(subdev, struct rproc_subdev_container, rproc_subdev);
    	struct rproc *rproc = rproc_subdev_container->rproc;
    	struct device *dev = &rproc->dev;
    	struct kobject *kobj = &dev->kobj;
    	struct resource_table *table = rproc->table_ptr;
    	int resource_counter;
    	if (!table) return 0;
    	//Create the 'carveouts' directory in the remoteproc directory (remoteproc1 in this case)
    	rproc_subdev_container->carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr = kobject_create_and_add("carveouts", kobj); 
    	if(!rproc_subdev_container->carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr) return -ENOMEM;
    	printk(KERN_INFO "%s directory created on probe\n", kobject_name(rproc_subdev_container->carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr));
    	//Create a directory for each carveout. 
    	//We will name them 'carveout_{n}' where {n} is the index of the carveout in the resource table
    	for (resource_counter = 0; resource_counter < table->num; resource_counter++) {
    		int offset = table->offset[resource_counter];
    		struct fw_rsc_hdr *hdr = (void *)table + offset;
    		void *rsc = (void *)hdr + sizeof(*hdr);
    		if(hdr->type == RSC_CARVEOUT)
    			char carveout_folder_name[12];
    			sprintf(carveout_folder_name, "carveout_%d", resource_counter);
    			struct carveout_kobject *carveout_kobject = kzalloc(sizeof(*carveout_kobject), GFP_KERNEL);
    			if (!carveout_kobject) {
    				printk(KERN_INFO "failed to kzalloc %s subdirectory on probe.  Skipping...\n", carveout_folder_name);
    			carveout_kobject->resource_entry_number = resource_counter;
    			carveout_kobject->carveout = (struct fw_rsc_carveout *)rsc;    
    			if (kobject_init_and_add(&carveout_kobject->kobj, &carveout_kobj_ktype, rproc_subdev_container->carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr, carveout_folder_name))
    				printk(KERN_INFO "failed to init and add %s subdirectory on probe.  Skipping...\n", kobject_name(&carveout_kobject->kobj));
    			if (sysfs_create_files(&carveout_kobject->kobj, (const struct attribute **)carveout_attrs))
    				printk(KERN_INFO "failed create attribute files for %s on probe. skipping...\n", kobject_name(&carveout_kobject->kobj));
    			list_add_tail(&carveout_kobject->node, &rproc_subdev_container->carveout_directories);
    			printk(KERN_INFO "%s subdirectory created on probe\n", kobject_name(&carveout_kobject->kobj));
    	return 0;
    void rproc_access_driver_remove(struct rproc_subdev *subdev)
    	struct rproc_subdev_container *rproc_subdev_container = container_of(subdev, struct rproc_subdev_container, rproc_subdev);
    	struct carveout_kobject *carveout_kobject, *tmp;
    	//remove all of the carveout subdirectories from the carveouts directory
    	list_for_each_entry_safe(carveout_kobject, tmp, &rproc_subdev_container->carveout_directories, node) {
    	//remove the carveouts directory
    	rproc_subdev_container->carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr = NULL;
    	printk(KERN_INFO "carveouts directory removed on remove\n");
    static int __init rproc_access_driver_init(void)
    	//Get the device node
    	struct device_node *device_node = of_find_node_by_path("/ocp/pruss_soc_bus@4a326004/pruss@0/pru@34000");
    		printk(KERN_INFO "pru device node could not be acquired at init\n");
    		return -ENODEV;
    	printk(KERN_INFO "pru device node (full_name: %s) acquired at init\n", device_node->full_name);
    	//Get the platform device
    	struct platform_device *platform_device = of_find_device_by_node(device_node);
    	of_node_put(device_node); //release the device node
    	if (!platform_device)
    		printk(KERN_INFO "pru platform device could not be acquired at init\n");
    		return -EPROBE_DEFER;
    	printk(KERN_INFO "pru platform device (name: %s) acquired at init\n", platform_device->name);
    	//Make sure the device we got is a pru (probably not really necessary here)
    	if (!strstr(dev_name(&platform_device->dev), "pru") && !strstr(dev_name(&platform_device->dev), "rtu"))
    		return -ENODEV;
    	//Get the rproc
    	struct rproc *rproc = platform_get_drvdata(platform_device);
    	put_device(&platform_device->dev); //release the platform device.
    	if (!rproc)
    		printk(KERN_INFO "rproc could not be acquired at init\n");
    		return -EPROBE_DEFER;
    	printk(KERN_INFO "rproc (name: %s) acquired at init\n", rproc->name);
    	//Create a subdevice container (which containes the rproc_subdev that implements the carveout monitor and handles its callbacks)
    	rproc_subdev_container = kzalloc(sizeof(*rproc_subdev_container), GFP_KERNEL);
    	if(!rproc_subdev_container) return -ENOMEM;
    	rproc_subdev_container->rproc = rproc;
    	//Add the subdevice
    	rproc_add_subdev(rproc, &rproc_subdev_container->rproc_subdev, rproc_access_driver_probe, rproc_access_driver_remove);
    	return 0;
    	//Do I need to do a 'get' on the rproc? If so, I should then do a matching 'put' call in the __exit function?
    static void __exit rproc_access_driver_exit(void)
    	if(rproc_subdev_container->carveouts_dir_kobj_ptr) rproc_access_driver_remove(&rproc_subdev_container->rproc_subdev);
    	rproc_remove_subdev(rproc_subdev_container->rproc, &rproc_subdev_container->rproc_subdev);
    	printk(KERN_INFO "rproc_access_driver exit\n");