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TMS320C6678: Clarity Required in Power Consumption Excel Sheet

Part Number: TMS320C6678


I am using TMS320C6678 at 1.25GHz, and I am using  the power consumption excel sheet "6678_Power_Consumption_Summary_Rev3_4" for calculating current for different rails.

For voltage rail CVDD1, following currents are observed:

I_activity = 30 mA

I_baseline = 2.152 A

I_total = 2.182 A

(1) Is I(baseline) current all DC or does it have AC component too? Hardware design guideline (SPRABI2D) says that "The baseline power portion is associated with leakage, clock tree, and phase-locked loop (PLL) power." While leakage may be considered DC, I think clock tree and PLL power looks should have AC components. Kindly advise.

(2) What current component should be used decoupling analysis ? For my calculations, we see that if I_baseline doesn't contain AC component, then the decoupling capacitors requirement becomes very relaxed as the dynamic current is only 30mA (I_activity). However, if I_baseline also contains AC component, then how much current from I_baseline should we consider as AC for decoupling analysis?

(3) What current component should be used for DC drop analysis? Should I(total) be used or I(baseline) be used?





  • Hi Binayak

    Sorry we dropped the ball on this query. Tom Johnson is no longer with TI , but looks like he has answered similar themed questions from you a few months back and also a couple of years back

    Is this a new design? What did you do in 2018 , with similar questions.

    I think we have pointed you to the relevant collateral on this. 

    I cannot speak much on PDN beyond what Tom responded to - just on the power models , the intent with the baseline is that dominant portion of that is baseline is leakage - apply voltage and no clocks enabled and then followed by clocking / PLL - apply voltage, configure PLLs and enable any module clocks but no modules doing any data movement or processing etc. So there is some "dynamic" aspects in the baselines that can potentially help with load transients and decoupling analysis.

    I would recommend following the guidelines in the hardware design guide and look at the TI EVM (which maybe over designed) as a reference to perfect your own hardware design.

    Hope this helps. 



  • Hi Mukul,

    We were planning to use it in one of the projects. However, it was not used then. Hence, we didn't go in depth with it.

    (1) As per Tom, baseline current is mostly leakage currents which I'm assuming is DC. In that regard, for considering the CVDD1 current of 2.182A, almost all of it (2.152A) is leakage (DC) with only 30mA for activity. Is it normal for rails to have this much of large leakage current percentage?  


    I have two doubts in the recommendations provided on The Hardware Design Guide (sp2abi2d):

    (2) It defines a minimum number of capacitors per rail. For CVDD1, it gives for 5W at 1V. How did TI come up with such high power consumption? Even with a realistic maximum utilizations( SP = 25% and CC = 25%) on all eight cores (slightly more than what Tom had recommended), we get only about 2.2W. 

    (3) For 5W@1V design, the total current will be 5A. If we follow the activity current and leakage current ratio as in my 2.2W design,  most of the current will be leakage (DC) - only about 100 mA will be activity current. The number of decoupling capacitors recommended is too high for this amount of such small activity current. From hardware design guide, we get a feeling that activity current was not used to recommend the decoupling capacitors. What metric was used then? I am taking activity current as transient current.


    Thanks n Regards,


  • Hi Mukul,

    We were planning to use it in one of the projects. However, it was not used then. Hence, we didn't go in depth with it.

    (1) As per Tom, baseline current is mostly leakage currents which I'm assuming is DC. In that regard, for considering the CVDD1 current of 2.182A, almost all of it (2.152A) is leakage (DC) with only 30mA for activity. Is it normal for rails to have this much of large leakage current percentage?  

    I have two doubts in the recommendations provided on The Hardware Design Guide (sp2abi2d):

    (2) It defines a minimum number of capacitors per rail. For CVDD1, it gives for 5W at 1V. How did TI come up with such high power consumption? Even with a realistic maximum utilizations( SP = 25% and CC = 25%) on all eight cores (slightly more than what Tom had recommended), we get only about 2.2W.

    (3) For 5W@1V design, the total current will be 5A. If we follow the activity current and leakage current ratio as in my 2.2W design,  most of the current will be leakage (DC) - only about 100 mA will be activity current. The number of decoupling capacitors recommended is too high for this amount of such small activity current. From hardware design guide, we get a feeling that activity current was not used to recommend the decoupling capacitors. What metric was used then? I am taking activity current as transient current.

    Thanks n Regards,


  • CVDD1 is the the device RAM supply - so I am not sure how that will behave for transient current response , it will likely vary less compared to CVDD , between leakage vs activity. Usually EVMs are designed ahead of silicon and are over designed to ensure we manage any gaps btween pre and post silicon - we typically are not focused on cost/BOM savings on these elements for an evaluation board that has to show case reliable functionality over everything else. Ofcourse for an end application you may need to further optimize for cost / space etc.

    Also realize that we likely do not have or create a dedicated RAM test to look at switching power, typically the power models are built with high activity tests from CPU and DMA for on chip and off chip RAM , so i would recommend that you err on the side of over designing to begin with and see if over time and further understanding your application and its PDN/Transient you are able to remove some decoupling. 

    Overall I will be less worried about CVDD1 , but definitely ensure you are designing well for CVDD and using the hardware design guide, power model and EVM has a source to refer to. 

    Hope this helps. 

    Will not be able to provide further context/ guidance on this beyond what Tom has already provided (He is no longer with TI)

  • Hi Mukul,

    Thanks for your elaborated reply. 

    It will be helpful for engineers like us who are designing power distribution system if TI could modify the way it provides the power related information:

    Just few suggestions:

    (1) It is very difficult for anyone (hardware/software engineer) to guesstimate the SP% and CC%. This is a very important drawback because these affect the CVDD power and current consumption significantly. There should be some other mechanism to get this information rather than guessing.

    (2)In result section, instead of providing baseline current and activity current, it will be far useful if TI could provide:

      1. dynamic or transient current for decoupling analysis along with the maximum frequency range for board level decoupling effectiveness from when looking outward from the chip;
      2. minimum board level target impedance value that can be perceived by the chip;  
      3. total current (already provided).


    Thanks n Regards,



  • Hello Binayak

    Thank you for the additional feedback. 

    Your inputs on #1 are very fair and yes there needs to be further evolution on how to make the power models more friendly to fill in application scenarios without having to guesstimate % utilizations for modules. 

    In our newer devices, we do provide a little more comprehensive bench data/nominal for typical applications and additionally there are dedicated sections in the datasheet and application notes  on PDN e.g.

    Unfortunately the c6678 is an older device and no plans  to provide new collateral to address these short comings. 

    Hopefully with guidance provide so far by Tom and the existing collateral , you are able to make the appropriate design decisions for your board.

