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AFE7900EVM: 8b10b SYNCBIN design error (when connected to ZCU102 board)?

Part Number: AFE7900EVM

In the AFE7900EVM schematic:

  • Page 9. SYNCBINP0, SYNCBINM0 connect to the FMC connector on page 19 at pins G12 and G13.
  • The other SYNCBINs and BOUTS connect to H34,H35; F10,F11; and F19,F20.

Switching to the ZCU102 schematic:

  • Pages 35-36: H34,H35; F10,F11; and F19,F20 are all No Connects.
  • G12 & G13 are named FMC_HPC1_LA08_P/N which connect to pins AF3 (LA08_N) and AE3 (LA08_P).

In the FPGA reference design ZCU102_AFE79xx_8b10b_10Gbps DesignFiles/constraints.xdc:

  • adc_rx_sync_n is wired to AE3 as an LVCMOS18
  • dac_tx_sync_n is wired to AF3 as an LVCMOS18

And finally, in the same reference design, DesignFiles/

  • output wire adc_rx_sync_n
  • input wire dac_tx_sync_n

There seem to be four problems:

  1. These lines at LVCMOS18 will send 1.8V to a 1.2V LVDS buffer on the AFE.
  2. SYNCIN is a differential input on the AFE, but connected to separate CMOS lines on the FPGA.
  3. dac_tx_sync_n is an input on the FPGA connected to an input on the AFE.
  4. SYNCBOUT is not connected to anything (even though presumably dac_tx_sync_n should be)

I'm trying to understand how SYNCBIN vs SYNCBOUT need to be wired to the FPGA. My guess is that SYNCBIN should be an LVDS at 1.2V run to an LVDS 1.2V output at the FPGA connected to adc_rx_sync_n, while SYNCBOUT should be an LVDS 1.2V run into an LVDS 1.2V input at the FPGA connected to dac_tx_sync_n.

Is this an error? Am I missing something? 


  • Hi Mike,

    Please note that in this reference design the Sync pins have been configured as CMOS instead of LVDS. This is set by the 'jesdABLvdsSync' and 'jesdCDLvdsSync' parameters in the AFE script. So the configuration on the FPGA side is correct. 

    Also, the AFE SYNC pins can be routed to any of the available GPIO pins on the AFE when using CMSO sync and for this reference design we routed the ADC Sync to pin H8 of the AFE and the DAC Sync to pin H7 which are connected to G12 and G13 on the FMC. This can be seen in the 'gpioMapping' parameter of the AFE bringup script. 


    David Chaparro 

  • Ah-ha! The fact they are GPIOs and can be reassigned totally escaped me while looking at the hardware design. Sorry for disturbing you, and thanks for the quick response to such a complex question.