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MMWCAS-RF-EVM: MMWCAS Reading Real ADC data in Matlab Examples

Part Number: MMWCAS-RF-EVM

Hi TI experts,

We're working with the MMWCAS system and want to use Real ADC Data for further processing in Matlab. When reading the read ADC data using example Matlab scripts, we encounter an error. So my question is:

    - Where in the Matlab code do we have to change/adapt in order to read in real ADC data?

Thanks very much.


  • Hi,

    Based on your question, my understanding is that you have already configured the Matlab scripts to generate Real Data. Is this correct?

    Thank you


  • Hi,

    so what I did is:

        - Adapted LUA script to have "ADC Config Format" to "Real".

        - Carried out measurements and transferred measured data to PC host

        - Run "cascade_MIMO_signalProcessing.m" with data path pointing to new data set to evaluate the measurements

    => Error occurred when iterating over available frames ( at half of available frame).

    And from your reply:

    - Where in Matlab script can find the option for configuring to real ADC data ? Right now I ran the Matlab Script as provided without changing.



  • Hi,

    Is this the LUA Script that you modified?


    -- Channel & ADC Configuration
    if (0 == ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,0,1)) then
        WriteToLog("Master : Channel & ADC Configuration Successful\n", "green")
        WriteToLog("Master : Channel & ADC Configuration Failed\n", "red")
        return -2

    Thank you


  • Hi,

    yes that's the script that I modified. As far as I understand:

         ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,0,1)  --> for complex ADC data

         ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,1)  --> for real ADC data



  • Thank you,

    Please give me some days to check with the developer of the code if this use case is supported

    thank you


  • Hi,

    I have received confirmation that the cascade matlab processing scripts do not support real data.

    Please give me some more time to find out if there is any other information available regarding the format of the real raw data

    thank you.


  • Hi Cesar,

    thanks for the response.

    That's fine. Meanwhile i will also look into the code and adapt it to real data.



  • Hi,

    I taked with the team that developed the matlab code.

    They mentioned that TI never tested with real data.

    Unfortunately there is no information regarding the format of the captured data when it is real.

    This means that it will be very challenging to use the cascade kit to capture real data.

    thank you
