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AWR1642: Transfer data to Linux

Part Number: AWR1642
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM, MMWAVE-STUDIO,

Hello. I am new to radars, so my questions might sound 'stupid'. Sorry for that in advance.

We want to buy a radar for a project but before that, we have to clarify few things.

1. Is it possible to connect TI radars(ex:AWR1642) to Ubuntu PC without DCA1000EVM, maybe just with USB cables?

2. Is it possible to read radar signals with pure Python or C++, is there API for that? Some projects I have found on the internet use ROS, is it really necessary?

3. I have learned that mmWAVE-STUDIO doesn't work on Ubuntu, is there any other way to visualize data on Ubuntu PC?

Thank you, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. 

  • 1. If you just run the mmw demo (from mmWave SDK) on AWR1642BOOST EVM, where device crunches the ADC data, process it (by DSP) and sends results over UART. so if you connect USB cable with EVM to PC, you can read this data using serial terminal in Linux.


    2. If you are targeting to capture raw ADC data from device and process offline on the PC then you need to use DCA1000EVM. DCA1000EVM reads ADC data from AWR1642 and streams over Ethernet to PC (using UDP over specific network port). Although we don't have any existing tool for Linux to capture and process this data, but you can build a tool to communicate with DCA1000EVM to configure and capture the ADC data from it.

    mmWave Studio Installation provides the DCA1000EVM controller source code and it can be built with Linux


    Refer C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\ReferenceCode\DCA1000\Docs\TI_DCA1000EVM_CLI_Software_DeveloperGuide.pdf  for more detail.

    3. mmWave Studio is built for Windows environment only. For ADC data, you can use Matlab or Python script to do the post-processing (FFT) and plot the data.

