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I am trying to do raw data capture from AWR1843boost using the DCA1000.
I am able to connect to the device and load both the BSS and MSS firmware, but I cannot connect to SPI afterwards.
[14:39:33] ***Script completed successfully.*** [14:47:08] [RadarAPI]: Opening Gpio Control Port() [14:47:08] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:09] [RadarAPI]: Opening Board Control Port() [14:47:09] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:10] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FullReset() [14:47:10] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:11] [RadarAPI]: Closing Board Control Port() [14:47:11] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:11] [RadarAPI]: Closing Gpio Control Port() [14:47:11] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:11] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SOPControl(2) [14:47:11] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:14] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Connect(3,115200,1000) [14:47:15] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Calling_IsConnected() [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("AR1642") [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("AR1642") [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: ar1.deviceVariantSelection("XWR1843") [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("77G") [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("XWR1843") [14:47:16] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed [14:47:17] Device Status : XWR1843/ASIL-B/SOP:2/ES:2 [14:47:17] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SaveSettings('C:\Users\Narendiran A\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini') [14:47:23] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadBSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_01_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\radarss\\xwr18xx_radarss.bin") [14:47:23] [RadarAPI]: Downloading BSS Patch RPRC Binary.. [14:47:31] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion() [14:47:31] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (05/10/17)) [14:47:32] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSPatchFwVersion() [14:47:32] [RadarAPI]: BSSPatchFwVersion:( (30/04/19)) [14:47:34] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadMSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_01_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\masterss\\xwr18xx_masterss.bin") [14:47:34] [RadarAPI]: Downloading MSS RPRC Binary.. [14:47:45] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion() [14:47:45] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (16/07/19)) [14:48:26] [RadarAPI]: ar1.PowerOn(0, 1000, 0, 0) [14:48:26] Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT [14:48:30] MSS Power Up async event was not received!
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I have seen this type of issue when
Thank you
On the AWR1843 boost board, the default position of Switch S2 is in the middle.
It needs to be set to SPI.