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TMP1075: About the value of error in the data sheet

Part Number: TMP1075

I would like you to answer the below questions about TMP1075DSG.

1.The datasheet says that the error is ±0.25°C for TYP and ±2°C for MAX.

 a.What does the error magnitude depends on? (Customer is concerned about the difference of the error magnitude between typical and max.)

 b.What should we do to reduce the error to around ±0.25°C?

2. Regarding the graph of "Temperature Accuracy" on the first page of the data sheet,

 a. What does the red line(Min/Max Limit) mean?

 b. Does "Average±3σ" means that the value of error falls within this gray line range with 3σ probability?
     Or does it mean that the average of the value of error falls within this range?

I'd appreciate if you could answer these questions. 

  • Hi Hori-san,

    Thank you for posting to the Sensing forum.

    What does the error magnitude depends on? (Customer is concerned about the difference of the error magnitude between typical and max.)

    Minimum and maximum specifications are guaranteed across supply voltage and temperature. Typical specifications are not guaranteed, but are observed under nominal supply and temperature conditions. These nominal conditions can be seen at the top of the table in Section 8.5.

    What should we do to reduce the error to around ±0.25°C?

    Typical accuracy specifications are not guaranteed, but it is recommended to follow all layout guidelines and examples shown in the datasheet, as well as operating at nominal device conditions if possible. The customer can refer to this application note for board layout techniques. Layout guidelines will be different if the customer is monitoring ambient temperature or the temperature of a component on the board. For ambient temperature monitoring, refer to this application report.

    What does the red line(Min/Max Limit) mean?

    The red lines in Figure 8-2 show the minimum and maximum accuracy that is guaranteed across temperature for the DSG package. These red lines correspond with the min and max specifications in Section 8.5.

    Does "Average±3σ" means that the value of error falls within this gray line range with 3σ probability?
         Or does it mean that the average of the value of error falls within this range?

    The gray lines refer to the value of the typical temperature error with ±3σ of buffer. The black line is the typical device accuracy across temperature, however only the red min/max accuracy specifications are guaranteed across operating conditions.

    Best regards,
