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TMP411: Works with BJT but not with silicon diode?

Part Number: TMP411


From reading the datasheet, I expected the TMP411 to work with either a BJT or another P-N junction such as a simple diode. My customer has an existing assembly that includes a 1N4148 within a mechanical part.

I chose the TMP411 to measure the temperature of this diode but only get '7F' (high byte ) 'F0' (low byte) from the TMP411, and an 'open' error bit in de SR.

The diode is connected through 2x 100 Ohm with 1x 1nF over the pins. But to rule this out as an issue, I've tried removing the cap and shorting the resistors, but this has no effect.

When I connect a PNP transistor (diode-connected) such as BC807 or 2N3906 I do get sensible values out of the TMP411.

Should a silicon diode like the 1N4148 normally work with this chip?