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IWR6843ISK: compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase Usage

Part Number: IWR6843ISK


I found out there is this parameter in the .cfg file. I didn't understand the usage of this parameter.

According to the demoVisualizer source files, the line is parsed and the value is compensated onto the measurements.

My question is why is this step needed and what is the cause of the compensation?

Thank you.


Jonathan Tang

  • Hi,

    Because of imperfections in antenna layouts on the board, RF delays in SOC, etc, there is need to
    calibrate the sensor to compensate for bias in the range estimation and receive channel gain and
    phase imperfections.

    It's not completely necessary, especially for just getting a working demo of your project up, but it is
    recommended to do it if you are going into production with a device.

    Below you can find information about how to perform the calibration.

