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LMP91000: How to apply LMP9100

Part Number: LMP91000


Is it possible to use the LMP91000 for sensors that require the following circuit?
Unlike other 3-electrode toxic sensors, the output is measured using the voltage difference across 100R.
The circuit is as follows.
  • Hi Eunsong,

    The LMP91000 functionally has an identical circuit, but a slightly different topology, but it can be used here. The key differences are that the 100Ohm resistor you are sensing on is on is placed after the Sensing pin, and that location cannot be changed because it is internal to the device. The other difference I see is that this circuit on the left is using discrete components for the voltage divider on VREF, where on the LMT91000 that is internal and programmable. All of this circuitry is contained within the LMP91000, just slightly rearranged.

