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IWR6843AOP: Single measurement on Level sensing lab

Part Number: IWR6843AOP


I'm working with IWR6843AOP, evaluating the chip for an integration on level sensing. I've been studying the level sensing app: UART formats of its outputs (TLV packet), flow of the application, source code in CCS... And I think it would be suitable for my application.

The thing is, whereas this app is programmed to work on a continuous cycle of measurements between the CLI command: "sensorStart " and the CLI command: "sensorStop", I would need it to perform (and output)  a single measurement when receiving the CLI command: sensorStart. I've been going through the code and although I think it's possible (and I remember seeing this kind of behaviour in some TI lab, I just can't find the references) I don't know exactly where I should begin modifying the code. Could you help me with that? I'm a FW engineering so coding is no problem. The problem is on the understanding of the application flow.

Best regards and thanks in advance for your time,

Julia Sánchez.