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LDC1612:LDC1612 detection distance

Part Number: LDC1612






Our first test, the detection distance is 3mm, and the antenna diameter is 13.9mm.
Due to structural limitations, the detection distance has to be increased to 8mm. According to the ratio calculation, the antenna diameter needs to be more than 37.2mm, so can the detection accuracy remain the same as before?
Do you have similar applications where the detection distance is around 8mm?
In addition to no metal on the front and side, what else should be paid attention to in other designs?

  • Hello, 

    Short answer is yes. To keep the resolution the same, you would need to keep the coil diameter/target distance ration the same. More generally, when talking about resolution with these devices, it is important to note that you will get more change in the data when the target is closer to the sensor coil: 

    We generally break this graph into 3 regions for different resolution requirements: 

    • Target Distance is 3%-20% of the sensor coil diameter gives highest resolution
    • Target Distance is 20%-50% of the sensor coil diameter gives medium resolution
    • Target Distance is 50%-100% of the sensor coil diameter gives low resolution (usually presence detection of the target as a yes/no decision)

    You are right on the 20% line with your target so it is important to consider how your current resolution compares to your design requirements. 

    We have seen applications that support an 8mm distance for both yes/no detection as well as proximity measurements. 

    Other things to consider in the design are any metals on the back side of the sensor. The sensor coils are not directional so if you have metal just behind the coil, it will limit your sensing range. Additionally, metal off to the side is not as much of a concern, but try to keep any large GND planes or metal objects a distance of at least 20% of the coil diameter away from the sensor coil. 

    Best Regards, 

    Justin Beigel