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AWRL6432: How to turn on/off RF

Part Number: AWRL6432



How can I turn On/Off transmitting and receiving RF only on the AWRL6432?

Our customers want to turn on/off the RF through the I2C command. Can I use the CLI_MMWaveSensorStop() and CLI_MMWaveSensorStart()?



  • HI, TaeHeon:

    What is the use case for this experiment?   

    CLI_MMWaveSensorStop and CLI_MMWaveSensorStart will turn on/off whole RF system. 

    You should be able to turn on/off TX channel by programming different value in channelCfg below.   But SDK demo may not support when all the RF TX channel being off.  

    The settings in this channelCfg will later to used in the function call rl_fecssRfPwrOnOff to turn on/off different portion of the RF system.  

    Let me know if this is helpful.



  • Hi Zigang,

    Thanks for your reply.

    My customers want to be able to turn the all RF channel on/off using I2C commands even when the system is in low power config mode with lowPowerCfg 1.

    In this case, Can I use CLI_MMWaveSensorStop and CLI_MMWaveSensorStart function call?, or how can I resolve this problems?

  • HI, Taeheon:

    Please be more specific on the requirement. 

    What I hear so far is:

    1) The system is running SDK demo using some kind of chirp configuration, and lowPowerCfg is set to 1.

    2) While it is running, the customer want to be able to send I2C commands to turn the RF channel on/off

    What I am not sure is after device receiving this RF off command 

    1) Does the device need to turn off the whole RF subsystem, or just turn off the TX channel?

    2) What the target software suppose to do during the RF off time. Stay in or get into the lowPower mode?

    3) What is the response time requirement? 

    then when the RF on command is sent, 

    1) Is it assume the device is back to the previous chirp configuration?

    2) What the target software suppose to do ? wake up from lowPower mode?

    3) What is the response time requirement?



  • Hi Zigang,

    Here is my reply to the question you asked.

    1) Does the device need to turn off the whole RF subsystem, or just turn off the TX channel?

    ==>>turn off the whole RF subsystem

    2) What the target software suppose to do during the RF off time. Stay in or get into the lowPower mode?

    ===>>just stay in the RF subsystem off

    3) What is the response time requirement? 

    then when the RF on command is sent, 

    1) Is it assume the device is back to the previous chirp configuration?

    ===>>The device should back with previous conf.

    2) What the target software suppose to do ? wake up from lowPower mode?

    ===>>RF subsystem turn on with low power mode

    3) What is the response time requirement?

    ====>>It has not been decided yet.



  • HI, Taeheon:

    We are experience power shortage after a severe storm in Dallas.   Please expect some delay.



  • I hope nothing bad happens. Please reply later.



  • Hi, Taeheon:

    In the current deep sleep mode, the device will not be able to wake up for any interface including I2C or UART/SPI command.  It is possible to configure the power management to idle mode state other than the low power deep sleep state (LPDS) so it can still response to the I2C interface.  

    You can find some information about power management at this following SDK L users guide page (need to download the SDK first)


    Please let us know whether this is helpful.



  • Hi,

    Is it OK to set the Threshold for LDPS and Total Latency for LDPS values to 99999999 of .syscfg to set it to Idle mode not LPDS?

    and I want to wait for a request via I2C in the powerManagementTask() function in Idle mode, and then process the next frame when received an I2C request. How do I deal with it?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Taehon,

    Id' suspect you should be able to handle I2C as normal in the powerManagementTast as normal. You would have to ensure that in Idle mode we are not disabling or clock-gating I2C peripheral.

    It should be ok to set the LPDS threshold as such, or you can calculate based on your chirping paramaters what the theoretical max time for LPDS might be and set it slightly higher than that.

