MMWCAS-DSP-EVM: TDA Capture Card Timeout Error

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWCAS-RF-EVM, AWR2243


I communicated with TI customer support over an email thread (reference number CS2407727) about an issue I'm having with setting up the MMWCAS-DSP-EVM Cascade Radar. Customer Support advised me to post this in the forum to get engineering support.


I'm trying to set up an mmwcas-dsp-evm Board with an mmwcas-rf-evm RADAR using the Cascade user guide ( I'm using versiosns mmWave Studio- and mmWave DFP-
I've managed to connect to the Radar, following the GUI set-up steps until 7.3.2, I'm attaching a screenshot of the RadarAPI that shows the 4 devices connected (see screenshot below). The connection between the PC and the board is through Ethernet.
When I try to collect data though, I encounter a problem. I follow the guidelines in 7.3.3 Capturing Data, but when I click TDAxx ARM, I get a time out error in the Output window. I am not able to progress after that point.
I have recorded a video of how I set up the whole system in the hopes of it giving you more information:
I tried restarting the Radar, the mmWave Studio and the PC.
The IP address is pointing to the one collected from the Host board "ifconfig" command.
No error messages were present in the Output tab when connecting the Radar, and I can establish a connection to the TDA through the "TDA Capture Card Configuration" window.
I flashed the SD card again, and checked and confirmed that the SSD being detected and is not full (most of it is empty). 
Keen to hear your suggestions how to solve the issue, or if you spot any problems with the set-up. If you need more information, I'm happy to provide it.
In order to expedite a solution, please can we arrange a telephone call with you a member of your team so we can resolve this privately, in 'real-time'.  This is a time critical development for us, so we'd greatly appreciate getting a slot in the diary asap. 
  • Hi,

    I don't think the DFP version is correct.

    The mmwcas-rf-evm requires the latest firmware for AWR2243

    MMWAVE-DFP-2G Firmware |

    Thank you

  • I tried the newest version 02_02_04_00 of DFP. I used the Meta file ..\mmwave_dfp_02_02_04_00\firmware\xwr22xx_metaImage.bin. The file was loaded correctly and I was able to perform the RF Power-up, but unfortunately the system still came back with the same error as before: Card time-out

    As this was done on the mmWave Studio software, I tested the same on the newest version of the studio - I used the newest DFP version too, but the system came back with an error during the RF Power-up (Error: Read Register failed with error -8). This discouraged me to use the newest version of the studio, and the older one (which allowed the RF Power-up to occur) was used afterwards.

    Keen to hear your suggestions, as updating the DFP version for the meda image did not solve the issue with the failing data collection. If it is possible, we can jump on a call and walk you through my set-up and issues.

  • Hi,

    The DFP version 02_02_04_00 should be correct.

    Based on the error message it looks like there is some configuration error for frame.

    Please review the frame and chirp configuration.

    Thank you


  • Hello,

    I tried playing around with the parameters in the "Chirp" and "Frame" boxes in the SensorConfig menu, as well as the "Files to be allocated" and "No of Frames to Capture", but I wasn't successful, the same error persists. 

    Could you please give me some exemplary numbers for the parameters that I need to change, as I cannot find in the Cascade User Guide anywhere to specify how and what parameters to adjust for the Chirp and Frames. I tried to change the numbers on pretty much all the parameters I thought relevant, but I'm stabbing in the dark. Below I'm attaching screenshots of the parameters that I'm running the system with:
