OPT3001-Q1: The device IDs read are different

Part Number: OPT3001-Q1


Dear TI Engineer,

Our FPCA product uses OPT3001DNPRQ1 as the light sensor for vehicle, but the device ID read by different end customers on the same device is different. The Tier1 manufacturer read the device ID is 3001h, which is consistent with the Device ID on the datasheet, but the Device ID read by the automobile factory is 3000h with the same product.

The I2C waveform captured by our logic analyzer and oscilloscope can also indicate that the device IDs read are different.

The waveform captured by Tire1 is as below:

The waveform captured by automobile factory is as below:

Can you help analyze the cause of the problem?


Kind Regards

  • Hello Lumina,

    Is the automobile factory reading 3000h on more than one device? If so, how many devices are reading this value? 

    Here are the waveforms I am getting from testing the device and I am not able to observe the behavior you are describing. Additionally, neither screenshot seem to be displaying the proper I2C transaction and are difficult to interpret. Would it be possible to obtain a logic analyzer capture such as the one below?

    Thank you,

    Daniel Balmaceda

  • Dear Daniel,

    We only received one with the device ID of 3000h that was returned to us by the automobile factory.

    The complete I2C waveform is as follows:



  • Hello Lumina,

    Just to clarify, is it just the one part that the automobile factory is reading 3000h on? Has the automobile factory observed the same behavior with multiple devices and if so, what percentage of devices are reading this? It is important to know how many devices are failing.

    Thank you,

    Daniel Balmaceda

  • Dear Daniel,

    Sorry for replying so late. We have confirmed with the automobile factory for this issue and currently only 1pcs has the wrong address of 3000h. One was found in 80Ku pcs, with a ratio of 0.00125%.



    Kind Regards

  • Hello Lumina,

    So the rest of the devices they have tested are reading 3001h, correct? The device having an ID of 3000h is not an expected behavior. If it is just the one device, we can replace the failing unit. Would you like a replacement?

    Thank you,

    Daniel Balmaceda

  • Dear Daniel,

    Yes, the rest of the devices that the automobile factory have tested are reading 3001h. We can replace the IC with wrong I2C address, but our customer didn't appect it and they want to know the reason for this problem. Can you give us some better suggestion for this issue?


    Kind Regards

  • Hello Lumina,

    Device IDs are hardcoded into the device during the manufacturing process and can not be changed. This mismatch could be the result of a manufacturing defect.

    Because of this, it is not an issue that can be resolved through troubleshooting the device. The only solution would be to replace the faulty device.

    Thank you,

    Daniel Balmaceda