IWR6843AOPEVM: Vital Signs Multiple Person Detection

Part Number: IWR6843AOPEVM


Hello, I'm trying to run the Vital Signs people tracking lab using the IWR6843AOPEVM radar board with the BOOST, I contacted TI before about the lack of accurate heart rate numbers so I was instructed to use the the 1_30_01 visualizer version for better results. I'm getting vital signs data, but I want to expand the board to detect the vital signs of multiple people which the user guide says is possible.

I have read and gone through multiple user guides, websites and forums and can't seem to find the actual necessary board configurations and steps to get this configuration working.

Is it actually possible to get metrics like heart rate and breathing rate like in the vital signs lab from multiple people in the same room? If so, is this board capable of it and if not does TI have another board that does so? If this board is capable can someone point me in the direction of where to find the steps to configure this or set it up ? 

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Current vital signs demo enables only one person tracking and tracking output is provided as input to the vitals chain

    To detect 2 persons vitals, you will have to enable tracking of 2 people in the configuration and replicate the vital chain processing code so that the second track information can be provided to vital chain. It is difficult to expand the logic beyond 2 persons as you will run out of memory to have separate vitals for each track


  • I see, thank you so much for the information. Could you explain where in the configuration I would expand to 2 people?

    A follow up question - is there a TI radar board that could detect more than 2 person's vital signs?

  • Could you explain where in the configuration I would expand to 2 people?

    A follow up question - is there a TI radar board that could detect more than 2 person's vital signs?

  • Currently, we do not have a demo which can measure 2 person's vital signs. It might be possible to measure 2 person's vitals with duplicating the vital chain but you will not be able to extend it beyond 2 persons as you would run out of memory and mips

    We do not have a configuration for 2 people vital signs now.
