I'm working with the AWR1843BOOST radar board and the DCA1000 to collect raw adc data via mmwave studio (version I can collect data normally but I would like to implement some beamforming in my data collection. I've been looking at some resources but I'm getting a lot of varying information. I therefore just wanted to ask if you could point me to some straight forward instruction on how to implement the beamforming with the AWR1843BOOst board via mmwave studio gui or a lui script. I specifically want to beamform the radar towards only two angles (20 degrees and -20 degrees) and don't want to point it anywhere else throughout my data recordings. Is there a way to go between these 2 angles in an interleaved way and store the raw adc data? Furthermore is there any matlab code that allows the processing of the beamformed adc data?
Thank you!
Hi again,
I found this lua script which does the beamforming to point to 1 angle. I was hoping to just get some tips on how to get it to point to two angles (-20 and 20 degrees). I was thinking of using 2 Chirp Phase Shifter Configs to go between these two angles but i'm not sure if this would work or how to implement that. Any help with how to alter the code for my purpose would be appreciated. Thanks again.
BSS_FW = "C:\\ti\\mmwave_dfp_01_02_00_01\\rf_eval\\rf_eval_firmware\\radarss\\xwr18xx_radarss_rprc.bin" MSS_FW = "C:\\ti\\mmwave_dfp_01_02_00_01\\rf_eval\\rf_eval_firmware\\masterss\\xwr18xx_masterss_rprc.bin" file_path = "C:\\ti\\raw_data_capture" adc_data_path1 = file_path.."\\AOP_adc_data_profile_bf.bin" raw_data_path1 = file_path.."\\AOP_adc_data_profile_bf_Raw_0.bin" pkt_log_path1 = file_path.."\\AOP_profile_bf_pktlogfile.txt" COM_PORT = 6 --reset and connect ar1.FullReset() ar1.SOPControl(2) ar1.Connect(COM_PORT,921600,1000) --download BSS FW if (ar1.DownloadBSSFw(BSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("BSS FW Download Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("BSS FW Download failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- Download MSS FW if (ar1.DownloadMSSFw(MSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("MSS FW Download Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("MSS FW Download failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- SPI Connect if (ar1.PowerOn(1, 1000, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Power On Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Power On failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- RF Power UP if (ar1.RfEnable() == 0) then WriteToLog("RF Enable Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("RF Enable failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- Channel Config if (ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- LDO Bypass Enable ar1.RfLdoBypassConfig(0x3) -- ADC Config if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- Enable Per Chirp Phase Shifter if (ar1.SetMiscConfig(1) == 0) then WriteToLog("Per Chirp Phase Shifter Enable Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Per Chirp Phase Shifter Enable failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- RF Init if (ar1.RfInit() == 0) then WriteToLog("RfInit Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("RfInit failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) -- Data Path Config if (ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("DataPathConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("DataPathConfig failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- Profile Config if (ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 100, 6, 60, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29.982, 0, 256, 10000, 0, 0, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("ChirpConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ChirpConfig failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.FrameConfig(0, 0, 8, 128, 40, 0, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("FrameConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("FrameConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- Configure Chirp Based Phase Shifter if (ar1.SetPerChirpPhaseShifterConfig(0, 0, 0, 23, 45) == 0) then WriteToLog("Chirp Based Phase Shifter Configuration Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Chirp Based Phase Shifter Configuration failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(500) -- Connect DCA1000 if (ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000") == 0) then WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "12:34:56:78:90:12", 4096, 4098) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") end if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(100) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) ----------------------------- Capture 1 ----------------------------- --Start Record ADC data ar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord(adc_data_path1, 1) RSTD.Sleep(1000) --Trigger frame ar1.StartFrame() RSTD.Sleep(15000) --Packet reorder utility processing the Raw_ADC_data WriteToLog("Please wait for a few seconds for Packet reorder utility processing .....!!!! \n", "green") ar1.PacketReorderZeroFill(raw_data_path1, adc_data_path1, pkt_log_path1) RSTD.Sleep(10000) WriteToLog("Packet reorder utility processing done.....!!!! \n", "green")
Please refer to the previous e2e thread:
(+) IWR6843ISK: BeamSteering Question - Sensors forum - Sensors - TI E2E support forums
That thread does not use mmwave studio like I am so it was not really helpful for my case. I'm currently using the lua script I sent that steers the radar into one direction using phase shifter for three transmitters. It seems to work and I can view the signal in the PostProc. I'm using the raw adc data however for my project and I usually convert the binary file to an array using the matlab code provided in texas instrument documentation. I was wondering if you could point me to some documentation that describes how the data is stored in raw adc format when we use the phase shifter so that i may alter the matlab code to convert the bianary data into my usual array. Thanks.
Hi, there:
Glad that you were able to figure out how to program phase shifter. The binary data format can be found at figure 11 at below document:
Thank you! Can I just ask a question for clarification when processing the raw adc data. When I enable the phase shifter, with all the transmitters activated at once with the phase shift values applied, as well as all the receivers activated, I'm assuming I'll get 4 "channels" as opposed to the usual case in TDM MIMO where the TXRX pairs result in 12 channels. Is my assumption correct and if it is, does that mean that data is stored as stated in the document with each RX following each other (as in RX0, RX1, RX2, RX3)? Would I be correct in using the below code to process the data when using the Phase Shifter config? Sorry for all the questions, I've just previously worked with TDM MIMO with all the 12 channels activated so i'm trying to make sense of how this new way of recording data is stored. Thanks for the help.
%%% This script is used to read the binary file produced by the DCA1000 %%% and Mmwave Studio %%% Command to run in Matlab GUI - readDCA1000('<ADC capture bin file>') function [retVal] = readDCA1000(fileName) %% global variables % change based on sensor config numADCSamples = 2048; % number of ADC samples per chirp numADCBits = 16; % number of ADC bits per sample numRX = 4; % number of receivers numLanes = 2; % do not change. number of lanes is always 2 isReal = 0; % set to 1 if real only data, 0 if complex data %% read file % open and read .bin file containing ADC data % open the adc_data.bin file fid = fopen(fileName, 'r'); % read the adc data in the file % and represent it using signed 16-bit integer precision adcData = fread(fid, 'int16'); % if the ADC is set to 12 or 14 bits per sample, compensate for sign extension if numADCBits ~= 16 l_max = 2^(numADCBits-1)-1; adcData(adcData > l_max) = adcData(adcData > l_max) - 2^numADCBits; end % close the adc_data.bin file fclose(fid); % fileSize is the total number of data samples in the adc_data.bin file fileSize = size(adcData, 1); % fileSize = 2*512*255*514*4; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % perform reshaping for the real data % for real data, filesize = numADCSamples*numChirps*numRx if (isReal == 1) numChirps = fileSize/numADCSamples/numRX; LVDS = zeros(1, fileSize); %create column for each chirp LVDS = reshape(adcData, numADCSamples*numRX, numChirps); %each row is data from one chirp LVDS = LVDS.'; else % for complex data % complex data consists of both the in-phase component (I) and the quadrature phase component (Q) % therefore, filesize = 2 * numADCSamples*numChirps*numRx numChirps = fileSize/2/numADCSamples/numRX; % because Rx0I(0) will be combined with Rx0Q(0) to form one complex number -> Rx0I(0) + jRx0Q(0) % each receiver in LVDS will have half the number of entries it has in adcData LVDS = zeros(1, fileSize/2); %combine real and imaginary part into complex data %read in file: 2I is followed by 2Q counter = 1; % recall that in the adc_data.bin file, data is stored as follows: % Rx0I(0) % Rx0I(1) % Rx0Q(0) % Rx0Q(1) etc for i=1:4:fileSize-1 LVDS(1,counter) = adcData(i) + sqrt(-1)*adcData(i+2); % sqrt(-1) = j LVDS(1,counter+1) = adcData(i+1)+sqrt(-1)*adcData(i+3); % sqrt(-1) = j % every block of four samples Rx0I(0), Rx0I(1), Rx0Q(0) and Rx0Q(1) % produces 2 complex samples, hence the counter increments by 2 counter = counter + 2; end % at this point, LVDS is one long 1x(fileSize/2) row vector % create column for each chirp LVDS = reshape(LVDS, numADCSamples*numRX, numChirps); %each row is data from one chirp LVDS = LVDS.'; end % organize data per RX % Each row in adcData will represent data from a single receiver adcData = zeros(numRX, numChirps*numADCSamples); for row = 1:numRX for i = 1:numChirps adcData(row, (i-1)*numADCSamples+1:i*numADCSamples) = LVDS(i, (row-1)*numADCSamples+1:row*numADCSamples); end end % return receiver data retVal = adcData;
HI, there:
Yes, you are right. You will no longer have 12 visual antennas as TDM mode. For TX beamforming, you will only have 4 total receive channels.
We can not review your MATLAB code, you can plot your ADC samples cross chirps to see whether they are close to each other. You can also plot the range-doppler FFT output and see whether the peak signal align with your point target used for testing. That are the methods I usually use for verify my data parsing script.