I believe that I am not seeing an echo. I'm guessing it is due to mounting, but while I am trying that I thought I would post to see if I missed something else.
I've read the docs, including http://www.ti.com/lit/an/snaa270/snaa270.pdf on mounting. Currently I have the sensor mounted to a glass jar using silicon (to jar surface) and hot glue. I'm going to try glue against the surface of the glass next, but here is the waveform that I have in the current setup. It looks very much like the beginning of the waveform depicted here: https://e2e.ti.com/support/sensor/ultrasonic/f/991/t/467713 (looks like ringdown)
In the waveform below I've set a cursor at +137us, where I would expect the echo to appear (10cm water level).
Any suggestions, or wisdom from past experience appreciated.
And the config: