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OPT8241: HDR frame and normal frame definition and firmware update

Part Number: OPT8241

Hi Larry/Gupta:

Below is the change log of firmware.  I have few questions for HDR and flying pixel removed

Version 0.31 Build 1:
- Flags and amplitude had a four-pixel shift. Update to fix the bug
- Better saturation detection, flying pixels removed

Version 0.30 Build 2:
- HDR settings updatedwe turn 

1. Is the Version 0.30 fix the first pixel' flag interchanged between  HDR frame and normal frame as I asked before  

 2.the four pixel shift is fixed so we turn on the HDR function all the saturated pixel in normal frame will be replaced by HDR frame?

3.What meaning of better saturation detection and flying pixel removed ?

In my opinion ,saturation is related to overexposure

                        flying pixel is the insufficient confidence pixel caused the wrong phase information

can you give more information about the two update 

thanks !!!!


  • Hi Chou, 

    1) No, the interchange of HDR and Normal frame is still there. Sorry about that. You have to take cake of it in software. 

    2) The saturation detection is fixed. Replacing the frames still has to be done in software. 

    3) Refer to the attached images:

    a) FW 30:

    FW 31: