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Linux/AWR1642BOOST: mmWave Studio Linux Support

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST

Tool/software: Linux


There are a couple of questions I have regarding mmwave products and raw data collection :

1. As I understood there is no Linux version of the studio tool. Is there a plan to have it in a near future?

2. We are interested to collect raw radar data and pass it to our processing chain. It's more or less clear how to catch the data at the output of the radar when it's already running, but how could we initiate it to run and initialise it without using the studio tool or other tools? Maybe with sort of an external script?

3. Last question is more related to a general connection through COM ports. Having radars connected to a Windows PC gives huge headache with making sure that COM ports are connected and running well. Most of the time they are not responsive, sometimes not even shown in 'device  manager', then you start playing of plug in our, power on&off and worst if it keeps on saying that ports are already occupied, just rebooting the PC. That's extremely annoying, is this issue/bug is known? Any solutions?

If some of these questions was already addressed, please direct me. I wasn't able to find these threads.

Many thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    Question #1
    You are correct, mmwave studio supports only Windows. Today, there are no plans to support linux.

    Question #2
    Raw data is collected and used for off line processing. Do you have a DCA1000 card?

    Question #3
    We have not seen this type of issues. Did you observe this on a specific PC?

    Thank you
  • Dear Cesar,

    Many thanks for reply.


    Ok thank you


    All our activities correctly are happening with DCA1000 and 1443&1642 radars. Collection/storing/etc. is no problem for us. Question is about starting radars and DCA1000 not from CCS or studio. Maybe through some sort of commands in a script file or similar. The idea is to connect and use your radars (+DCA1000) to an embedded platform which could not run such tools (as Studio), but surely would be able to communicate though Uart or Ethernet port. Please advise.


    On most of PC we have

    Thank you for smooth replies.



  • Thank you Maxim,

    Q2 - In the short term (before end of the year) we don't have a full solution for capturing raw data without using mmwave studio. I need to check if there are any longer term plans for such a solution and get back to you

    Q3 - we have not seen COM port connection issues when connecting a standalone mmWave BOOST EVM. We have seen some issues when connecting BOOST+DCA1000. Did you see the issues with standalone BOOST EVM?

    Thank you
  • Hi Maxim,

    I have checked with development teams and we don't have plans to support capture without mmwave studio

    thank you