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LDC1612: LDC1612 hand influence

Part Number: LDC1612

I work with EVM1612 and PCB-coil (diam 19.5mm,32turns,0.5OZ,width 0.12, thickness 0.12 with cap 15pF) on short wires and view results in SS EVM GUI v1.9.4. I see influence from my hands which gives a significant error. Is there a way to protect sensor from this influence?

  • Andrey,

    Are you saying that your hand over the sensor is giving an error? If the LDC1612 is detecting the distance to a target, then as long as the target is thick enough, then anything beyond the target should not impact the measurement.

    Shielding can be implemented on the reverse side of the sensor to protect against interference from that side of the board.

