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IWR1642BOOST: Uniflash hangs when loading a precompiled .bin file

Part Number: IWR1642BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, , IWR1642


It may be a beginner's question... I started playing with the IWR1642BOOST module and tried to load the precompiled binaries to the board, but failed to do so. The Uniflash tool hangs immediatelly after successfully finishing the "Reading device version info..." and "** 1 files specified for flashing". The last message on the screen is "Checking file Type for appropriateness for this device..." and from here on the Uniflash is dead. This is the case with at all precompiled binaries from the toolbox I have tried to load.

Could it be the version of the IWR1642? My board does not have a sticker stating ES version, and I have downloaded the latest version of the industrial toolbox (2_5_2). There is, however, no message stating any kind of incompatibility.

Kind regards


  • Dušan,

    What are the SOP settings on the board?? 

    Make sure that the jumpers are on SOP0 and SOP2.

    Make sure that you are using the correct comport (UART) in Uniflash, that computers device manager reports.

    Let me know if this resolves your issue.


  • Dear Alex,
    Thanks for the tip, but the settings are taken from the corresponding .pdf file: SOP0 and SOP2 are inserted, and SOP1 is out, power is cyled prior to loading of the software. My device manager reports COM5 and COM4 as serial channels for the IWR1642, and COM5 is then typed into the Uniflash tool. Funny enough the communication seems to start corectly as some steps are finished without problems (like reading device version info), but the copatibility check fails.
    I have tried with the correct version of the Toolbox precompiled binaries as well (ver. 2.30) experiencing the same behaviour of the Uniflash. Must be that I am making some kind of an error... Any tips? What to check? Thanks!
  • Dear TI,
    I have just decided to play some more with the IWR1642BOOST and downloading of files, and tried to load the same .bin file again. I noticed a new message in a small window within Uniflash after selecting the IWR1642BOOST module to update the software. After confirming the update the computer downloaded some new files and installed them. And now loading of the .bin file works as it should. I have not noticed this message on Sunday when I first started playing with the module. So, I would like to thank TI team for a quick response.
    Best regards