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RTOS/AWR1642BOOST: 200MHz Clock Confirmation

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

I am trying to use the 200MHz clock on the AWR1642 for timing purposes. In an earlier thread () db_woodall suggested I use the Pmu_getCount() function to access the 200MHz clock from the R4F MCU. I followed his suggestion and created the following block of code in the packages\ti\demo\xwr16xx\mmw\mss\cli.c file. 

While it is short, I was basically trying to prove that the CLI_write would produce output like: "NOP delays 5 nanoseconds" since there is no delay or code between starting and stopping the counter. However, the output looks more like this:

Which means that there were 79 ticks in between subsequent calls of startCounter and stopCounter. Why does this much of a delay exist? I examined the original code for Pmu.c and each function only had a couple of lines of assembly code, but not enough to delay for 79 clock ticks. How can I reduce the amount of ticks below 10? I would be happy if I could manage to get even 50ns accuracy.