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AWR1642: Question on influence of FMCW frequency slope on target signal power in AWR1642.

Part Number: AWR1642


I am studying the influence of radar profile setting on target detection using AWR1642 and a corner reflector.

When I change the FMCW frequency slope and keep everything else unchanged ( by which bandwidth is modified from several hundred MHz to several GHz ),

the received signal power from corner reflect changes greatly (over 20 dB)...

This large change in the received signal power is not expected nor explainable.

Would you please give some advice or comment on this issue? 

Thank you in advance!

Below is some hardware configuration and experiment setting.

Target is placed ~10 m in front of the radar.

AWR1642 ES1.0, data collected using DCA1000 + mmWaveStudio. (and built-in postproc for data analysis)

Frequency slope is changed from 1 MHz/us to 10 MHz/us

HPF setting is HPF1 175K, HPF2 350K

  • Hello Linick,
    In both the cases what is the IF frequency at which the target object falls ? I think at a 1Mhz/usec case the IF frequency would be around 67 KHz, is that right? If so this is well with in the HPF (175 , 350 KHz) and hence the signal gets attenuated. With 10Mhz/usec slope the IF frequency would be 670 KHz which is outside the HPF and represents the actual reflected signal amplitude.

  • Hi Vivek,

    You're right that the beat frequency is within the HPF range.
    I will modify the profile setting to check whether the received signal becomes normal.
    Thank you for your advice!
