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Part Number: AWR1642BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642

Dear Sirs,

We have purchased the AWR1642Boost  and it is clear that it is an evaluation model (EVM)  so my questions are the following:

1- Is there a non-evaluation model (Production/Certified) model.

2- If yes is the answer to the first question, where can we get it from?

3- Is it the same as the EVM in terms of (Design/Software Development/SDK/Demos  etc..)

Thank you,

  • Hello Wassim,
    AWR1642BOOST EVM board is for evaluation purpose only, but to make a product out of this silicon you need to order seperate Silicon AWR1642 ES2.0 samples from TI store and solder it on your self built board.
    Here is the link to order the sample

    For AWR1642 mmWave SDK 2.1 is LTS (long time support) version which can be used as REFERENCE to write your production level application running on your final product/board with AWR1642 silicon soldered on it.

    At these links you can find other applications for AWR1642 device
