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AWR1642: post processing

Part Number: AWR1642

Hello, I have a question regarding an issue post processing captured data using radar studio. When I perform an STFT on radar data of simple arm motion, my spectrogram has many vertical lines. Is it an issue with my radar studio parameters? I have attached a screen shot of radar studio and an image of my spectrogram. Thank you   

  • Hello Edward,

    Are you using a MIMO configuration? ie chirp 0 uses TX0 and chirp1 uses TX1?



  • Thank you for your reply Vivek,

    Yes I am using MIMO configuration, I would like to implement that feature in my post-processing analysis. I am using a modified matlab script from TI to retrieve

    the bin data, I shaped the data in to a radar cube with the equivalent 8 Tx-Rx combinations. I performed a range FFT, extracted the target bin, reshaped into a

    long column vector with all chirps and frames. Performed a  STFT with a hanning window of length 160, and a nfft of 160. All of my returns have the vertical lines

    in the spectrogram. Are these broadband noise source or impulse noise since its localized in time but spread across my frequency bins. I stood 1.5 meters

    away from the awr1642, and I have absorber lining the back walls of my room 2.3 meters away from the radar. Has anyone encountered this type of problem in

    the past? 



  • Hello Edward,

    So basically you are using the raw ADC data captured in mmwave studio but you are using your own post processing code, is that correct? What is the format of the data you are assuming in your post processing? Also have you configured the device in real mode/complex 1x mode/ complex 2x mode?



  • Hello Vivek,

    Yes, I am using the raw adc data acquired from the twr1400 High Speed Data Acquisition board and post-processing the data. The configuration is complex 1x

    mode. I used the capture demo matlab script to extract the adc data and added my own post processing functions. The format of the data is 16bit. 



  • Hello Edward,

    I am not sure which version of the SDK and capture demo you are using, but there could be some header bytes sent out along with the ADC data in the demo application. Can you verify that in your captured data?



  • Hello Edward,

    Did that help you with the issue you were seeing?



  • Hello Vivek, Im sorry for my late reply I was out of town. The SDK version I am using is the first version 001. 

  • Hello Edward,

    Could you double check the SDK version? I don't think there is a version like 001.

    If its a very old version then I would recommend you use the latest device version and use the latest SDK version?



  • Hello Vivek, 

    I will try the latest version of SDK and see if it remedies my problem. Thank you again for your help