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CCS/AWR1642BOOST-ODS: Failed to run the MSS binary

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST-ODS
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS, AWR1642

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


Follow the Multi Gesture instruction, I met the following error message. (in section 5.3)

 xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

[C674X_0] Debug: DSS Mailbox Handle @0080ad80
Debug: MMWDemoDSS create event handle succeeded
Debug: CRC Channel @0080b588 has been opened successfully
Debug: Launched the mmwaveLink Management Task
Debug: BSS Mailbox Handle @0080bc80
Debug: Power on request successfully passed to the BSS
[Cortex_R4_0] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Main.
Main handle: 0x0.
Main stack base: 0x8015c20.
Main stack size: 0x1000.
R0 = 0x00000000 R8 = 0x00000002
R1 = 0x00000000 R9 = 0x0000cc5c
R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0x13b90000
R3 = 0x08014db4 R11 = 0x000000d1
R4 = 0x08014dec R12 = 0x00008459
R5 = 0x00000001 SP(R13) = 0x08016b60
R6 = 0x0800b44a LR(R14) = 0x0000507c
R7 = 0x0800b438 PC(R15) = 0x0000cc5c
PSR = 0x400c019f
DFSR = 0x0000080d IFSR = 0x0000000d
DFAR = 0x07ffffcc IFAR = 0xfffffb54 line 209: E_undefinedInstruction: pc = 0x0000cc5c, lr = 0x0000507c.
xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

But, I don't know how to resolve this issue. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? thanks

  • Hi Tom,

    Could you provide comment on these points

    1. This demo works only on AWR1642 ES2.0 and on ODS. Is this AWR1642 ES2.0 silicon variant.

    2. Have you tried running this application from the flash not from CCS?

    3. Even from CCS, after loading the images, could you try executing MSS core first then DSS core?



  • Closing this thread due to long time in-activity.

    Please reply here to open it again.



  • Thank you very much for your answer. I tried the solution you proposed. It seems that it has no effect. Is there any solution? Thank you

  • Hi,

    Default pre-built images (come along with TI-Rex package) works with AWR1642 ES2.0 device.

    Today I tried again xwr16xx_gesture_ti_design_dss.xe674  and xwr16xx_gesture_ti_design_mss.xer4f images from 'labs\lab0009_multi-gesture-16xx\prebuilt_binaries' path which run without any error.

    Try to start with default images provided with TI-Rex package. Make sure that you have flashed ccsdebug.bin to the device and after images are loaded, execute MSS core first then run DSS core.

