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CCS/AWR1843BOOST: The relation between the CFAR threshold and 2D FFT coefficients

Part Number: AWR1843BOOST

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


  I have some questions in the following:

  1.In the SDK3.2,CFAR processing is based on the detmatrix where every element is the sum(log2(abs(xi)))/16if,i=0~txnum*rxnum-1,xi is the 2D FFT complex coefficient.For example, if there are two objects in the front of the radar,one X0 is 10,the other X1 is 50m.In theroy, the value of the point in the dematrix that stands for X0 is larger than X1.Is that right?

 2. Can I understand the  signal intensity returned back from the object? The farther the object is,the weaker the signal intensity.

 3.Now in the demo,the CFAR threshod value is unique,I consider whether the threshod is varied based on the distance between the object and radar. The greater the distance, the smaller the value.How to choose the threshold value may be another problem.


