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LDC1314: DATA_CHx Error

Part Number: LDC1314

Hi team,

  My customer has MPed LD1314 on a magnetic knob application months ago but there's been an issue reported from the past 200 pcs boards.

  About 120pcs have the same issue as below: the detection data from register DATA_CHx occasionally shows the bit of 4095, which seems like saturation while the object is under normal detection range. The error will automatically disappear and return to normal and correct data after that. The issue can be found under normal ambient(25C), and no harsh environment around. it also randomly appears on CH0, 1, or 2. 

  However, before mass production and in previous months of design and test in the lab, the issue was never found.

  Could you help point out some directions that may lead us find the root cause?




  • Hi Patrick,

    It sounds like your customer is seeing random spikes in their measurements. This can often be caused by the deglitch filter being set incorrectly. Try the steps in this question in the LDC E2E FAQ and let me know if that helps. If not, the spikes could also be caused by EMI. In that case I recommend this EMI application note. It's also important that the sensor oscillation amplitude is within the optimal range (1.2V - 1.8V), in order for the sensor to be more resistant to EMI. This application note can help your customer verify that their sensor oscillation amplitude is set correctly. 

    Best Regards,