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I am using AWR1642ODS and DCA1000EVM. I am facing a problem with parsing range_azimuth heatmap data. 2 Questions.
Question 1:
In the file swra581b.pdf page 9 :
"Because only two LVDS lanes are used, data capture using 3 receivers is not available with the xWR16xx/IWR6843. Only1, 2, and 4 enabled receivers can be used."
Is that means I am supposed to get 3 lines of data? Now I have the data captured by DCA1000EVM and formatted them to [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]. I activated 2 TX and 4 RX. I've already got the formatted data as I mentioned above.
I'd like to plot range azimuth heatmap and range elevation heatmap from the raw ADC data.
Leaned from and other TI documents, I learned that the AWR1642ODS has 8 virtual antenna placement and we can use 4 of them to plot range_azimuth heatmap and 3 of them to plot range_elevation heatmap.
My question is, given the formatted data( with size -> [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]). How can i parse the data to [num_virtual_antenna, range_bin]. Page 5 on file swra555.pdf mentioned that AWR1642 mentioned that it is non-interleaved stored. so how can i split the data?
Thank you so much for your help!
Question 1
Is that means I am supposed to get 3 lines of data? Now I have the data captured by DCA1000EVM and formatted them to [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]. I activated 2 TX and 4 RX. I've already got the formatted data as I mentioned above.
Answer 1
No, this means that you can't capture data with 3RX. With 4RX should be no problem
Question 2
My question is, given the formatted data( with size -> [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]). How can i parse the data to [num_virtual_antenna, range_bin]. Page 5 on file swra555.pdf mentioned that AWR1642 mentioned that it is non-interleaved stored. so how can i split the data?
Answer 2
swra581b provides you information to be able to parse the captured data for each Rx. After you have this information you can perform any signal processing needed. I recommend you review the C source code provided with the obstacle detection demo to understand how the processing was performed.
Thank you
The virtual antenna array on the demo website looks correct.
We will update the documentation tidue83.pdf in the next release
thank you