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DCA1000EVM: Parsing data from range_azimuth heatmap data capture card

Part Number: DCA1000EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642, , IWR6843


I am using AWR1642ODS and DCA1000EVM. I am facing a problem with parsing range_azimuth heatmap data. 2 Questions.

Question 1:

In the file swra581b.pdf page 9 :

"Because only two LVDS lanes are used, data capture using 3 receivers is not available with the xWR16xx/IWR6843. Only1, 2, and 4 enabled receivers can be used."

Is that means I am supposed to get 3 lines of data? Now I have the data captured by DCA1000EVM and formatted them to [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]. I activated 2 TX and 4 RX. I've already got the formatted data as I mentioned above. 



I'd like to plot range azimuth heatmap and range elevation heatmap from the raw ADC data.

Leaned from and other TI documents, I learned that the AWR1642ODS has 8 virtual antenna placement and we can use 4 of them to plot range_azimuth heatmap and 3 of them to plot range_elevation heatmap. 

My question is, given the formatted data( with size -> [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]). How can i parse the data to [num_virtual_antenna, range_bin]. Page 5 on file swra555.pdf mentioned that AWR1642 mentioned that it is non-interleaved stored. so how can i split the data?


Thank you so much for your help!



  • Question 1

    Is that means I am supposed to get 3 lines of data? Now I have the data captured by DCA1000EVM and formatted them to [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]. I activated 2 TX and 4 RX. I've already got the formatted data as I mentioned above. 

    Answer 1

    No, this means that you can't capture data with 3RX. With 4RX should be no problem

    Question 2

    My question is, given the formatted data( with size -> [rx_num, adc_samples * chip_num]). How can i parse the data to [num_virtual_antenna, range_bin]. Page 5 on file swra555.pdf mentioned that AWR1642 mentioned that it is non-interleaved stored. so how can i split the data?

    Answer 2

    swra581b provides you information to be able to parse the captured data for each Rx. After you have this information you can perform any signal processing needed. I recommend you review the C source code provided with the obstacle detection demo to understand how the processing was performed.

    Thank you


  • Thanks for clarifying. One additional question.

    on the obstacle detection demo website the virtual antenna looks like this.

    but in tidue83.pdf, they looks like this 

    Which is more convincing?



  • The virtual antenna array on the demo website looks correct.

    We will update the documentation tidue83.pdf in the next release

    thank you

  • Thanks. In this case, since there are two columns w/multiple antennas, we can get 2 angle-range-elevation heatmaps. Similarly, we can get 4 angle-range-azimuth heatmaps because there are 4 rows w/multiple antennas?



  • You can.
    Thank you