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We’re trying to use mmwave demo visualizer and DCA1000 CLI about real-time demo and capture data.
There is an issues we met:
Is there any specific reason you are using OOB's LVDS stream data option for Raw Data collection.
It is possible to collect Raw Data from IWR6843ISK-ODS via DCA1000 and mmWave Studio software.
Please check the following links:
MMWAVEICBOOST and Antenna Module User's Guide (Rev)
See section for Interfacing with DCA1000
Hope that helps.
Thank you,
I have tried on SDK version, the lvdsStreamCfg works on my side. I was using to only enable the ADC raw data transfer without header.
lvdsStreamCfg -1 0 1 0
For different ODS device (ES1 vs ES2), you can download the latest TiREX page. and try different binary at following relative directory
at: C:\ti\mmwave_industrial_toolbox_x_x_x\labs\out_of_box_demo\68xx_ods_point_cloud_demo\prebuilt_binaries
Let me know whether lvdsStreamCfg works for these binaries.
Hi Vaibhav
Our purpose is displaying the real-time data via Demo visualizer and capturing at the same time.
The IWR6843ISK-ODS via DCA1000 and mmWave Studio software could only capture the data and transfer to PC without real-time display
Thank you
Hi Zigang
Thanks for your reply. The lvdsStreamCfg instruction has been works.
However, when I try to use DCA1000CLI with command window, it reports that disconnect to FPGA.
Our MMBoost board version is ES1.0, so the mmwave studio version might be used mmwave_studio_02_00_00_02, but the DCA1000EVM_CLI_Control.exe doesn't exist in this package and only in mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00(supported ES2.0).
Could the ES1.0 board support for DCA1000EVM_CLI?
Many thanks
Can you send the screen copy of the error message?
Please compare your setup with the attached figures below and pay attention to the switch and SOP setting circled in red on both DCA1000 board and mmwave IC booster.
By the way, when you mentioned ES 1.0, are you talking about radar device or mmwave IC booster board?
The setup looks fine to me. The error indicate the json file loading issue. Do you have that json file in that directory?
I see you are running visualizer for binary code. Were you able to run the code, and see output such as detection in visualizer?
Yes. After modifying the configure file, the demo visualizer is capturing data and display on figure.
However, the FPGA can not connect.
The attachment shows the configure file and the output result.2337.profile_2d.cfg
Did you ever used radar studio for data capture? Do you understand that in order to connect to DCA1000, you need to select the static IP address in the PC local area network properties and connect Ethernet cable and disable wifi, disable firewall if you have any.
By the way, do you still see that error complaining about json file in your DOS command window?
HI, Ernie:
I have not received any reply from you for three weeks. I will go ahead and close this issue.