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Hi, I have tried to use DCA1000EVM CLI together with Out Of Box Demo to capture data and it works successfully. Now I want to achieve real time data capturing using DCA1000EVM such that my signal processing application can work on the data immediately. May I know whether there is some way to achieve it?
Currently, our idea is to set the maximum size of bin file to be as small as possible such that my application can just read the bin file in time, and the lacking is just about 1 second which we can accept. However, when I set the max size of bin file to be 10mb, every time 6 bin files come out together. The pattern is like:
1. write raw_0.bin
2. raw_0.bin finish
3. raw_1, raw_2, raw_3, raw_4, raw_5, raw_6 come out together and each raw bin file is 10mb and raw_7 is being written
4. raw_7, raw_8, raw_9, raw_10, raw_11, raw_12, raw_13 come out together and each bin file is 10mb and raw_14 is being written.
It shows that the bin file does not come out one by one, instead, they come out in group every 60mb. Therefore, is there any grouping function in DCA1000EVM CLI, maybe pack certain amount of data? If yes, is there any way to change it such that the bin file can come out one by one? I have gone through the DCA1000EVM source code, however, it is quite long and is it possible that you can indicate some related and specific functions to modify and solve this problem? That will really help! Thank you!
Hello Jiarui,
Sorry for the delay in response.
We currently working on limited support staff at the moment due to festive week in India.
One way to achieve this is enter the number of frames as Zero in the frame config. This way the data will be captured for an infinite time on your PC or until you explicitly press the "Stop Frames" button. The DCA1000 will capture the raw data is a new file after every 1GB of data capture. Hence, you can configure your profile and chirp configuration in a way that this 1GB of data capture can correspond to your desired timing of data capture.
We will need some time to analyze your usecase of 10mb files and the reason behind the grouping. We can get back to you next week on this.
Hope that's okay. Thankyou for your patience.
Hi Ishita,
Thanks for the reply!
It takes several seconds for my post processing application to read 1GB bin file, therefore, I decide to use DCA1000CLI instead of mmwavestudio to capture data since I can adjust the size of bin file to be smaller so that my post processing application can actually follow the data generation speed.
My current configuration is 256 ADC samples per second and 128 chirps per loop, 2 TX, 4 RX, periodicity 19.3ms complex 1, int16. Therefore, my data generation speed is actually not very high, it is 1/(19.3e-3)*256*128*4*2*/2*2*2 = 2.71e7bytes/s = 26MB/s.
Looking forward to your reply and support! Thank you!
Best regards,
Hi Jiarui,
Given data generation rate from device, each new adc*.bin (raw_0.bin) will take less than a sec, so it may possible that on the PC explorer you would see multiple files reflected at once. DCA1000EVM CLI tool is not meant to cover this usecase of realtime capture and processing.
However you are free to modify the DCA100EVM CLI source code as per requirement.