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IWR6843AOPEVM: No transform between frames map and base_link available while running “Autonomous Robotics” Demo

Part Number: IWR6843AOPEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843AOP


I try to get the “Autonomous Robotics with ROS for mmWave”- Demo ( running.

I’m using an IWR6843AOP Package, Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (bionic) and ROS melodic. So it’s not the original environment it was designed for, but I hoped it would still be compatible.

But when I try “roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch mmwave_device:=6843AOP”, I get the following Error Message:

A similar Error apears when I try “rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot_mmwave_launchers/launch/navigation_visualization.rviz”. RVIZ opens, but with nothing than a grid. When I add a robot, I get the following Error. I can fix that, when I change the fixed frame to “base_link”, but then I get a problem as soon as I try to add a map.

A new “static_transform_publisher” probably fix that problem, but I fear it’s not that simple, because in kinetic it’s supposed to run without new lines of code.

I’d be glad, if someone has an idea whats missing or how to solve that problem.

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,


  • Hi Anne-Mira,

    Thank you for acknowledging the lack of support on ROS melodic.

    You have run minimal.launch correctly, but did you try launching the radar_navigation.launch in a new terminal as the user's guide describes? Then you should be able to run the same rviz file. 

    Please let me know if this works. 

  • Hi Sabeeh,

    First of all, thanks for your answer!

    I did launch radar_navigation.launch in a new terminal, it gives the following warning:

    Running the radar_mapping.launch, it gives no error or warnung, but i still can't see anything in RVIZ (using this command: rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot_mmwave_launchers/launch/mapping_visualization.rviz).

    In both cases I get the warnings from my first Post.



  • Before further debugging, just want to understand what you are doing. Are you trying to run the mapping demo or navigation demo? They are separate, and below I describe the files to run for each. Please do not run both demos at the same time.

    For executing the mapping demo, with full commands described in the User's Guide:

    1. minimal.launch
    2. radar_mapping.launch
    3. mapping_visualization.rviz

    For executing the navigation demo, with full commands described in the User's Guide:

    1. minimal.launch
    2. radar_navigation.launch
    3. navigation_visualization.rviz

  • I tried both in the described order, after each other, not parallel.

    So doing this:

    1. minimal.launch
    2. radar_mapping.launch
    3. mapping_visualization.rviz

    I get the warnings/errors from my first post. 

    Doing this: 

    1. minimal.launch
    2. radar_navigation.launch
    3. navigation_visualization.rviz

    I get the erros/warnings from my first post and the one from the second post.

    In the end both Demos should run, but more important is the Navigation Demo.



  • From the error message, a transform between base_footprint and map is necessary. A static transform would mean that the base footprint would never move, which is not desired in this case. However, you could try running this to atleast see if the costmaps will come up. In the demo's case, base_footprint is being transformed to map by means of the "odom" topic. Can you please check that this node is running? 

    Furthermore, could you please run the following commands and post images of the output? 

    rosrun tf view_frames
    evince frames.pdf

    I also assume you are not using a turtlebot 2 because it is not supported by ROS melodic. 

  • Sorry that you had to wait so long for my answer.

    As you already suspected, we do not use the Turtlebot2, but a self-developed robot. We have made some changes to the hardware of this robot in the last few days, which caused the software to take a back seat.

    In the meantime I was able to fix the issue.
    In the frames.pdf it said "Average rate: 10000.000 Hz, Most recent transform: 0.000 ( 1602847785.874 sec old)", whereupon I went through all publishers again. In the end the error was that the tf_broadcaster did not send anything. After I corrected this, at least costmap started.

    Now there are new errors to correct. But I will try that myself first.

    Thanks for your patient help!

