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LDC1101EVM: Problems using Sensing Solutions GUI

Part Number: LDC1101EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LDC1314EVM, LDC1101

At the moment I am evaluating LDC1101EVM and LDC1314EVM using Sensing Solutions GUI v1.10.0 on Windows 10. LDC1314EVM is working perfectly (!), whereas LDC1101EVM is causing some troubles.

I have already successfully upgraded the firmware of the device and I am using the corresponding device driver (see attachements); the device is recognized by Windows Device Manager as "EVM".
LDC1101EVM is also detected by Sensing Solutions GUI v1.10.0 ("SSP EVM connected - LDC1101") and the registers can be read out ("Register loading complete"). So far, so good. But many other pages of the GUI, namely "Introduction/Device", "Introduction/EVM", "Configuration" and "Data Streaming", are empty pages. These pages are fully functional using LDC1314EVM.

I am using the same USB cable with LDC1314EVM and LDC1101EVM.

I ran the application as an administrator but it did not resolve the problem.

I also installed the application (incl. the driver) on another computer as well (just to be sure) and got exactly the same result: LDC1101EVM causes the same problems, while LDC1314EVM works 100%.

  • Hello Patrick, 

    This is a known issue with the LDC1101EVM. The LDC1101EVM has it's own GUI that can be found here: Please make sure you install it as administrator and incase you have any issues with the LDC1101EVM GUI, here are a couple other threads that have dealt with connection issues: 

    Best Regards, 

  • Hello Justin,

    Thanks for your support.

    I installed the LDC1101EVM and additional the NI-VISA Run Time installation patch as administrator. Unfortunately, the issue remains unsolved... the device stays "NOT CONNECTED" at the GUI.

    At start-up of the GUI it shows "CONNECTED" for some (2..3) seconds, then it switches to "NOT CONNECTED" (see screenshots below). The device is connected via COM5 and is recognized as "EVM" (drivers are working, see screenshot below). I also tried to run the GUI as administrator, no changes. I did the whole procedure again with a second computer, same result.

    I am sorry to say but this problem is very annoying!

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    Try the fix located in this E2E thread:

    The zip file worked for me on windows 10 but let me know if it doesn't work for you.

    Additionally, I've seen a bug where you sometimes have to type in the COM port number rather than selecting from the drop down menu. I don't think that is what is happening to you now, but just wanted to mention it incase it comes up. 

    Best Regards, 

  • Hello Justin,

    this fix ("") was already suggested by Danilo (from TI Customer Support) before the issue was posted to E2E forum. It did not resolve the problem.I tried to type in the COM port number manually as well, no changes.

    In the meanwhile I repeated the installation on a Windows 7 machine - just to be sure. But this attempt was also not successful. In fact, I got exactly the same behaviour as on the two Windows 10 machines before.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    Sorry the fix didn't work for you. I will be testing on some other machines trying to recreate the issue and will get back to you by the end of day Wednesday with more information and hopefully a fix for you. 

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Justin,

    I really appreciate your continuous support.

    I also understand that it is difficult to help when you cannot recreate the issue.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    I haven't recreated the issue yet but I did notice something we can try to do to fix this. The EVM for me shows up as a Serial Device rather than as an EVM when looking in device manager. Can you try uninstalling the device and then reconnecting the EVM. Hopefully reinstalling the driver here will solve the issue.

    Best Regards, 

  • Hello Justin,

    I followed the recommended actions regarding the driver in device manager. At the end the device LDC1101EVM was recognized as "USB Serial Device" by Windows. Unfortunately this did not resolve the issue.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    Sorry this issue is so persistent for you. What version of the LabView runtime are you using? You may need to update to the latest version in order for this to work. Once updated, I would reinstall the patch just to make sure it is applied. 

    Best Regards, 

  • Hello Justin,

    I'm sorry to bother you again. I am using LabVIEW 10.0 Run-Time Engine (see screenshot below). Is that ok? Or do I have to update? Where do I get the latest version?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    That should be fine. I use the 2010 SP1 runtime which you can download from here:

    We also want to check the NI-Visa Runtime. You can do this by opening NI Package Manager on your computer (this should have installed with the runtime engine) Here is what I have for my versions: 

    Let me know what you have for this. 

  • Hello Justin,

    I installed NI-LVRT 2010 SP1. These are my versions:

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    Your install matches mine. At this point, I think we should consider trying a different EVM or different computers. I know you mentioned trying different computers in the beginning, but have you tried a different computer with the latest software suggestion? 

    As for recreating your issue, unfortunately I still haven't been able to. Every windows 10 computer I try here works with the patch installed. 

    Best Regards, 

  • Hello Justin,

    I have repeated the whole procedure (all software suggestions) on a 2nd Windows 10 computer and got exactly the same behavior.

    Maybe you (TI) can supply me with another LDC1101EVM. I am sorry to say but I really do not feel like ordering one. Thanks for your understanding.

    At this point I would like to mention (repeat) something that I already let you know in the very beginning: LDC1314EVM is working perfectly with the latest "Sensing Solution EVM GUI". Maybe it would make sense to migrate the LDC1101EVM to this new GUI. From customer's point of view this would make the most sense.

    Another alternative that came into my mind... Obviously, the problem is caused by the USB transceiver. Can we "eliminate" this part (MSP430 section) and straight access the LDC1101 via SPI. Do you have a working Matlab/Simulink/RTI-Block or something like that for this purpose?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    I am looking into another EVM for you and will be reaching out directly. 

    As for using the LDC1101EVM without the MSP430 section, this can absolutely be done. We don't have any example code for this but you can use any microcontroller or communication device you have available and can setup quickly. 

    Best Regards, 

  • Hello Justin,

    first of all: Happy New Year 2021!

    Have you already sent out another EVM to me?

    FYI... my original TI support case CS0325142 was closed by Danilo with the following reason: "Since our product specialist in the E2E Channel is directly supporting you, please allow me to resolve this case."

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Patrick, 

    Happy New Year to you as well. Check your direct messages as I have just messaged you there. Thanks for the additional information about your support case. 

    Best Regards,

  • This was resolved through direct messages. To recap, a new EVM fixed this issue. 

    Best Regards, 


  • Thanks again!

    Best Regards,
