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CD4051B: CD4051BE

Part Number: CD4051B
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1015,


Hi TI,

the story:

- multiplexing DC voltages, sourcing with resistor from a 4-20 mA transmittter signals . The sensing resistor is 150 Ohm instead of a 100 Ohm. I supposed this resistor is enough low to cancel the driver amplifier need (is it?)

The setting of the voltage level of the - signal on A/D (voltage divider on low side R12 =192 Ohm, on high side R11 = 4,7 kOhm) results 0,2 V, so the measured value can not be higher than 3,2 V (20 mA x 150 Ohm + 0,2 V)

- each channel is selected with two selector (4051): one for the + pole, another for a - pole, for 8 channel each.

- the problem is: giving signal and measuring it on the channel 3, on a pin 2 of the 4051, the measured value changes when I switch a signal onto the channel 6 (ain6+). This happen on both of the 4051s. The change is about 10 mV into minus. The outputs (pin3) are the same. The inhibit of the 4051s are passive continuously (e.g. 0), the channel selection is repeated, but remains unchanged at the next data read from the A/D.

- the JUMPERS are setting with little correction signed with red. It mean the channels 1..5 are two wire 4-20 mA sensors, the others are 3/4 wire similar ones.

My hope was the signals are independent because of the pathing of each channel independent on the PCB but the practice is other. The power source of the transmitter on the ch6 is independent of the VCC1i, e.g. from the power source of the ch3.

This is one of the problems.

The other:

- measured and registrated the signals without any change on the signals (even switching on or off other signals) show a periodical changes showing on the attached spreadsheet.

The A/D is the ADS1015, the circuit diagram is attached too. The A/D panel is from Arduino, ADS1015, from two different producer, the result is the same.

What do I faulty?


Laszlo Kannar

  • Hello Laszlo,

    Can you please explain what is the voltage signal level inputting into the CD4051B, and what is the supply voltage? Also is the input current 20mA? "multiplexing DC voltages, sourcing with resistor from a 4-20 mA transmittter signals" it seems like you are inputting a DC signal with 20mA of current, but I might be misunderstanding. 

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but from my understanding the issue you are encountering with the CD4051B is whenever you switch between pin 2 and pin 13 you see a slight voltage spike of 10mV on the output. If that is the case then it seems to be the case of charge injection. You can add more capacitance on the line to reduce it. From the charge injection formula : Q = ΔV * C where Q is charge injection, ΔV is your change in voltage, and C is the capacitance. So rearranging, ΔV = Q/C you'll see that adding more capacitance can help mitigate this. 

