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TS5A22362: Datasheet Pinout/Layout confusion

Part Number: TS5A22362

The land pattern on p.21 shows A at the top, while the pin diagram on p.3 shows D at the top and is labeled “top view”

On p.20, the top of the page shows A3 at the upper right, but the diagram below it shows D3 at the upper right, and nothing is labeled top or bottom view.

Can we please get clarification on the orientation of this device?

  • Hi Nicholas,

    You are correct - there is a discrepancy in the datasheet regarding the pinout.

    Based on the revision history this device datasheet was updated in March and new pinout diagrams were created. Here is the pinout information from the previous revision:

    The pinout in the current revision is marked as "top view" but matches the pinout labeled "bump view" in the previous revisions. I believe this was an error in the update process. 

    My thoughts are that the current datasheet labeled "top view" is actually the "bottom view".

    With the assumption that the pinout in the current datasheet is the bottom view, this matches the other sources in the datasheet. The land pattern on p.21 is a top view land pattern example which would match. The A3 in the upper right would also match this info as this is a top view.

    Additoinally, here is another E2E post where it is called out that the die marking is over the A3 bump, as shown on p.20

    I will verify to confirm if the current pinout needs to be updated.