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TS5MP645: MIPI CSI-2 multiplexer between camera and processor

Part Number: TS5MP645
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS5MP646

Have anyone tried to use the TS5MP645 as a miltiplexer for camera's?

In my setup, I want to select one out of 5 camera's to connect to the CPU's MIPI CSI-2 interface.

This can be done by connecting 3 TS5MP645 in series.

But will this work with 3 mux'es in series used in a MIPI CSI-2 channel?

  • Hi Knud,

    This could work but it would introduce impedance at each stage, so the first and second channel would be affected quite heavily. If you want to go with this solution, I'd recommend to have at least two in parallel: 

    I also found this thread, which covers more details on the signal loss of such a set-up.

    What frequency will the signal be at? We might find a better solution that requires less devices.

    Best regards,


  • I am using a camera with 5M pixels, 3 colors, 8 bit per color, and max 15 frames per second.

    The MIPI CSI-2 uses 2 or 4 data lanes.

    With 2 lanes, my guess will be 907 Mbit / sec.

  • With this set-up you'll need a Bandwidth of at least 1.5GHz. When factoring in the losses of each stage in series (2*sqrt(2)) the device will need at least 2.8GHz of Bandwidth.

    Therefore we strongly suggest to use the TS5MP646, with a Bandwidth of 3GHz. 

    Best regards,
