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CCSv5.4.0.00091 Install Error in action ExecuteAction


I've been trying to install the ccs software for my MSP430. But am getting errors when trying to install on my Dell Inspiron (Windows 8). If anyone could help me that would be awesome :D

I've downloaded the offline installer.

Disabled my Mcafee firewall

Installing in c:\

Not sure what else could be causing the problem. I've included the InstallJammer Registry.


Here's the error message dump:


Error in action ExecuteAction

Error in action ExecuteAction

Error in action ExecuteScript

list element in quotes followed by ":" instead of space
while executing
"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
while executing
"$obj execute"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
while executing
"$obj execute"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
Error in action ExecuteAction

Error in action ExecuteAction

Error in action ExecuteScript

list element in quotes followed by ":" instead of space
while executing
"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
while executing
"$obj execute"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
while executing
"$obj execute"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
while executing
"$obj execute"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $id -when $when"
(procedure "::InstallJammer::RaiseEventHandler" line 93)
invoked from within
"::InstallJammer::RaiseEventHandler .wizard"
(command bound to event)


Any help would be great. Thanks!