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Slow Performance using CCS 10.3.1 on a Mac running Big Sur

Ever since upgrading to Big sur, my macbook Pro 2018 debugs VERY slow,  As a test I grabbed a 5-year old macbook Pro running OSX 10.15.7 and CCS 10.1.1 and the performance during debug is significantly faster.  The expression window updates once every second.  On my newer computer it is every 5 seconds  or worse.

I tried another Macbook Pro updated to Big Sur and the performance on that machine was also terrible.  Is there something I can do or check to improve the performance?



  • Neil,

    We have seen some issues with performance while stepping on Big Sur.  The impact varies quite a bit from mac to mac.  Oddly the ones seeing the slowest performance are on newer Pros. 

    Having a register view open with a lot of registers visible has the most impact.  For me I see the biggest lag when stepping into a function, i.e. whenever the callstack changes.  CCSv10.4 (~July 2nd) has some improvements to help with performance on Big Sur but it is not fully resolved.  We are doing an eclipse and java upgrade with CCSv11 (Oct) to versions that officially support Big Sur.  That should address the GUI issues like resizing of views and I am hoping that it will help with the performance issue as well.

