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I would like to know if this behavior is normal during CCS debug sessions ? I start the session using a BH XDS560v2 emulator and the initial configuration then loading of the .out file is lightning fast (using 34MHz JTAG clock).
As settle into debugging the current application which requires regular RESTARTs and/or LOADs of recompiled source code, I'm noticing during debug sessions the restart, and reset to the c_int() entry point and main() seem to take longer and longer, with the lower right REMOTE SYSTEM EXPLORER Operation progress bar churning away more and more each time, before getting to the entry point and finding main() to restart the code execution ?!? Just now as I did a recompile and restart the RSE operation progress bar seemed to churn a way for a good 15 - 20 seconds and this goes on and on to the point of having to quit the debug session and restart CCS12, then open another debug session etc. This seems to get back the initial responsiveness, but then gradually I'm back to waiting on the churning progress bar, like its must be doing some stuff in the background ... Also I notice my RTOS ROV doesn't reset to start defaults until all the churning stops and the debugger reaches main(). This also is taking longer and longer with ongoing debug activity, restart, recompile reload, break views etc.
What could be the cause of this ? Is my PC just not up to it ? It might be old by modern standards but it's a 4-core i5 Intel device that was considered very fast back in the days ...
Any suggestions ?
Regards, MM
operation progress bar seemed to churn a way for a good 15 - 20 seconds and this goes on and on to the point of having to quit the debug session and restart CCS12, then open another debug session etc. This seems to get back the initial responsiveness, but then gradually I'm back to waiting on the churning progress bar, like its must be doing some stuff in the background ...
I assume you mean the little CCS progress bar in the lower right corner of the CCS IDE. If there are many background operations running, it can certainly slow down CCS in general. One thing that can slow down CCS a lot is the indexer. If you have many projects open in the workspace (especially if they are large projects), the constant scanning of the indexer can greatly impact performance.
See slide 32:
You can try turning it off.
Another suggestion is try cleaning your workspace:
Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of that.
I have only one project open in the one workspace that I choose at CCS12.5 start-up. The project has about 30 .c files and another 30 .h files etc.
It looks like I can right click on the project and rebuild or freshen up the files ... I'll see if that does anything.
For this not to be an issue with CCS12.5, what would a PC build CPU/RAM/Drive config look like for optimal use with CCS12 ? Just curious ...
Thanks and Regards, MM
I have only one project open in the one workspace that I choose at CCS12.5 start-up. The project has about 30 .c files and another 30 .h files etc.
That is not too bad. It really shouldn't be an issue.
It looks like I can right click on the project and rebuild or freshen up the files ... I'll see if that does anything.
That would force the index to run to rebuild the index from scratch. But the indexer running itself is the issue in regards to slow performance. I would try disabling it completely.
For this not to be an issue with CCS12.5, what would a PC build CPU/RAM/Drive config look like for optimal use with CCS12 ? Just curious ...
a 4-core i5 should be fine as long as you have at least 8GB RAM and an SSD (though a HDD should really be fine too as long as you PC is not trying to run a bunch of other things in the background).