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LP-MSPM0G3507: LP-MSPM0G3507

Part Number: LP-MSPM0G3507
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507


Hello guys,I am new coding in CCS with using MSPM0G3507. I want to create a simple Led blinking program with using external button and a resistor but I cant create .out,project.o and project.d files as well ticlang.d and ticlang.o: could zou help me to create mz first program?Below there is mz code.

#include "ti_msp_dl_config.h"
#include <C:/Users/ta/workspace_v12/test1/Debug/include/msp/m0p>

extern volatile uint32_t interruptVectors[];

int main(void)

     * Turn OFF LED if SW is open, ON if SW is closed.
     * LED starts OFF by default.


    while (1) {

void GROUP1_IRQHandler(void)
    switch (DL_Interrupt_getPendingGroup(DL_INTERRUPT_GROUP_1)) {
        case GPIO_SWITCH_INT_IIDX:
            /* If SW is high, turn the LED off */
            if (DL_GPIO_readPins(
                    GPIO_SWITCH_PORT, GPIO_SWITCH_PIN_1_PIN)) {
                DL_GPIO_clearPins(GPIO_LEDS_PORT, GPIO_LEDS_PIN_0_PIN);
            /* Otherwise, turn the LED on */
            else {
                DL_GPIO_setPins(GPIO_LEDS_PORT, GPIO_LEDS_PIN_0_PIN);
