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lm3s6965 double precision issue w/ CCS and debugger

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3S6965


I have two questions/problems I am facing right now.  Quick backstory- We are developing on a our custom board w/ a lm3s6965 uc and using the lm3s6965 EKM as our debugger with CCSv4.

1. My colleague is using CCS v4.2 on WinXP and I am using CCS 4.1.3 (the one that came with the EKM CD) on Win7.  I've tried installing the latest production version of CCS (4.2) but I can never connect to the target when I am trying to debug, yet 4.1.3 works great for me.  We are doing some calculations using doubles and noticed a word swapping issue between the versions.  On my version, 4.1.3, the doubles are swapped by 32-bits in the memory view running the debugger, whereas his verison everything looks fine,

ex.  His:

 0x11112222 0x33334444   //right


 0x33334444 0x11112222   //wrong

What could be causing this?  Is it a compiler setting and our app's are actually producing different .bin files or is it the a debugger issue and how it represents the data/variables?  More importantly, why would I not be able to debug on 4.2?

2.  We also noticed yesterday that my partners debugger began having issues connecting to the target.  He has had no (serious) problems for several weeks now, and then all of the sudden it can no longer connect to the debugger.  The only way to get around this issue is by restarting his computer, but once he terminates a debug session once, the issue arises again.

Any idea why he can no longer connect to the target now?  And in general, what is the cause of the connections issue for both him and myself?  I do like CCS but these tool problems keep tripping us up and are causing much grief (and little programming output), which makes program managers angry. 

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Tony,

    tony wonsyld said:

    .  We are doing some calculations using doubles and noticed a word swapping issue between the versions.  On my version, 4.1.3, the doubles are swapped by 32-bits in the memory view running the debugger, whereas his verison everything looks fine,

    This is a known issue that is fixed in CCSv4.2.4. But unfortunately you are having problems with that version:

    tony wonsyld said:
    More importantly, why would I not be able to debug on 4.2?

    Could you provide the exact error message you are seeing?

    tony wonsyld said:
    2.  We also noticed yesterday that my partners debugger began having issues connecting to the target.  He has had no (serious) problems for several weeks now, and then all of the sudden it can no longer connect to the debugger.  The only way to get around this issue is by restarting his computer, but once he terminates a debug session once, the issue arises again.

    Your partner is using 4.2.4 correct? And it was working up until recently?

    Again, what is the exact error message that is displayed when the connection fails?



  • For both of us, the error message when we cannot connect is:

    CORTEX_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete

    CORTEX_M3_0: Error connecting to the target

    And like I said, once my partner re-starts or terminates his debug session, the only way he can re-connect to the target is by re-starting his computer.

    I've tried installing it (4.2.4)a few times, but I will try again tomorrow; I will install it on my laptop (Win7) and my pc(winXP)-I haven't tried installing on the XP computer yet so if that works, at least in the interim, we could still develop assuming my partner can figure his issue regarding connecting to the target. We will eventually be migrating to v5.1, would it wise to move forward now or wait until a production version is released?

    Thanks for the info and quick is much appreciated.


    p.s. how come when I try to post things to this post, it never shows up in the preview or in the post?

    For both of us, the error message when we cannot connect is:

    CORTEX_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete

    CORTEX_M3_0: Error connecting to the target

    And like I said, once my partner re-starts or terminates his debug session, the only way he can re-connect to the target is by re-starting his computer.

    I've tried installing it (4.2.4)a few times, but I will try again tomorrow; I will install it on my laptop (Win7) and my pc(winXP)-I haven't tried installing on the XP computer yet so if that works, at least in the interim, we could still develop assuming my partner can figure his issue regarding connecting to the target. We will eventually be migrating to v5.1, would it wise to move forward now or wait until a production version is released?

    Thanks for the info and quick is much appreciated.


    p.s. how come when I try to post things to this post, it never shows up in the preview or in the post?

    For both of us, the error message when we cannot connect is:

    CORTEX_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete

    CORTEX_M3_0: Error connecting to the target

    And like I said, once my partner re-starts or terminates his debug session, the only way he can re-connect to the target is by re-starting his computer.

    I've tried installing it (4.2.4)a few times, but I will try again tomorrow; I will install it on my laptop (Win7) and my pc(winXP)-I haven't tried installing on the XP computer yet so if that works, at least in the interim, we could still develop assuming my partner can figure his issue regarding connecting to the target. We will eventually be migrating to v5.1, would it wise to move forward now or wait until a production version is released?

    Thanks for the info and quick is much appreciated.


    p.s. how come when I try to post things to this post, it never shows up in the preview or in the post?

    For both of us, the error message when we cannot connect is:

    CORTEX_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete

    CORTEX_M3_0: Error connecting to the target

    And like I said, once my partner re-starts or terminates his debug session, the only way he can re-connect to the target is by re-starting his computer.

    I've tried installing it (4.2.4)a few times, but I will try again tomorrow; I will install it on my laptop (Win7) and my pc(winXP)-I haven't tried installing on the XP computer yet so if that works, at least in the interim, we could still develop assuming my partner can figure his issue regarding connecting to the target. We will eventually be migrating to v5.1, would it wise to move forward now or wait until a production version is released?

    Thanks for the info and quick is much appreciated.


    p.s. how come when I try to post things to this post, it never shows up in the preview or in the post?

    For both of us, the error message when we cannot connect is:

    CORTEX_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete

    CORTEX_M3_0: Error connecting to the target

    And like I said, once my partner re-starts or terminates his debug session, the only way he can re-connect to the target is by re-starting his computer.

    I've tried installing it (4.2.4)a few times, but I will try again tomorrow; I will install it on my laptop (Win7) and my pc(winXP)-I haven't tried installing on the XP computer yet so if that works, at least in the interim, we could still develop assuming my partner can figure his issue regarding connecting to the target. We will eventually be migrating to v5.1, would it wise to move forward now or wait until a production version is released?

    Thanks for the info and quick is much appreciated.


    p.s. how come when I try to post things to this post, it never shows up in the preview or in the post?

    For both of us, the error message when we cannot connect is:

    CORTEX_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete

    CORTEX_M3_0: Error connecting to the target

    And like I said, once my partner re-starts or terminates his debug session, the only way he can re-connect to the target is by re-starting his computer.

    I've tried installing it (4.2.4)a few times, but I will try again tomorrow; I will install it on my laptop (Win7) and my pc(winXP)-I haven't tried installing on the XP computer yet so if that works, at least in the interim, we could still develop assuming my partner can figure his issue regarding connecting to the target. We will eventually be migrating to v5.1, would it wise to move forward now or wait until a production version is released?

    Thanks for the info and quick is much appreciated.


    p.s. how come when I try to post things to this post, it never shows up in the preview or in the post?