I recently switched to using CCS v20 and for the most part it was working well, however now I switched to working on a different Launchpad board LP_EM_CC1354P10_1 and have been having issues flashing/debugging any example apps on this board.
Currently working on mcuboot based examples, but have also test on some Z-stack apps. I always get the following errors below (sometime it gets further than second page shown below, but none have completed without error)
Command=20 -- addr=0x00000800 -- length=0x00000800 File Loader: Memory write failed: Status 0x000e1400: Target flashloader has not returned any status. Unknown error! GEL: File: C:\Users\darkx\AppData\Local\Temp\ti_cloud_storage\mcuboot_LP_EM_CC1354P10_1_nortos_ticlang.out: Load failed.
I can flash fine from Uniflash to this Launchpad, but that doesnt help me with debugging! Everything works as expected on another Launchpad LP_CC1352P7_4 (in CCS v20).
Are there any settings or workarounds I can use to get this board working CCS v20?
Please use the version for the Tools spesified in the release note (Release Notes) for the SDK.
If you are using our latest SDK ( you should use CCS-12.8.0
SimpleLink Low Power F2 SDK was built & tested on a Windows host platform using the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and components. Using an IDE or toolchain version not listed below may result in compatibility issues with this SDK release. Refer to the individual component release notes in the Document Overview for each component’s supported code generation tools. CCS Theia 1.5.0 does not include TI Clang v. 3.2.2 LTS which is needed for this SDK. TI Clang v. 3.2.2 LTS can be downloaded separately:
FreeRTOS: 202104.00. Please note that FreeRTOS source now ships with the SDK installer
Amazon Sidewalk examples should be built with GCC 12.3
This is a known issue and we are actively working on a fix:
We have a fix for this issue which will be included in the next CCS. If you would like to try the fix now, Do the following:
1) Browse to <CCS 20.1.0 INSTALL DIR>\ccs\ccs_base\emulation\drivers
2) Backup or rename the "" file in the directory
3) Extract the file in the zip below in the above location
Try CCS again and see if the issue is resolved.