LP-EM-CC1354P10: Problems flashing/debugging in CCS v20.1.0

Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1354P10, Z-STACK, UNIFLASH, CC1352P7


I recently switched to using CCS v20 and for the most part it was working well, however now I switched to working on a different Launchpad board LP_EM_CC1354P10_1 and have been having issues flashing/debugging any example apps on this board.

Currently working on mcuboot based examples, but have also test on some Z-stack apps. I always get the following errors below (sometime it gets further than second page shown below, but none have completed without error)

Command=20 -- addr=0x00000800 -- length=0x00000800
File Loader: Memory write failed: Status 0x000e1400: Target flashloader has not returned any status. Unknown error!
GEL: File: C:\Users\darkx\AppData\Local\Temp\ti_cloud_storage\mcuboot_LP_EM_CC1354P10_1_nortos_ticlang.out: Load failed.

I can flash fine from Uniflash to this Launchpad, but that doesnt help me with debugging!  Everything works as expected on another Launchpad LP_CC1352P7_4 (in CCS v20).

Are there any settings or workarounds I can use to get this board working CCS v20?