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CCSv5 License Problem: Inavlid Host ID

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO

I am trying to activate CCv5 and I license mgr in CCv5 indicates the HostID in the license file does not match the HOST ID of this computer.  I looked up the Mac Address as described by the web page to request the license. When it type host name at the prompt: I get tidev-desktop.

  • Hi Fred,

    the MAC you should specifiy for the license file generation should have been a 12 digit HEX value. 

    If you go to Help->COde Composer Studio Licensing INformation ... you should be able to see the expected MAC address if you go to the Upgrade Tab and select "Launch License Setup".

    If you need to correct the MAC address you can rehost here (one time allowance).  After that you need to contact the license team to rehost..

    Please keep us informed how this goes.

    Best Regards,

  • Lisa,

    Thanks for the quic reply. 

    The license information view states: invalid host, but the Host id listed in this view matches the mac address of the linux machine and it matches the host id in the license file.  The specific error message in the license information view says "FLEXnet Licensing error:-9,57. System Error: 19 "(null)""



  • Hi Fred,

    ok, lets take a step back and get all the details here then.

    What type of license file do you have?  Are you using a server (eg floating license) or a a node locked license?

    If you are using a server, how was it configured?  How was CCS configured?  Could you send screenshots and the vendor daemon log?  What do you see there?

    Did you follow this wiki (in the case of a floating license)?

    What do you see in your licenselocation.txt file for CCS?  Have you tried the fully resolved host name when setting up CCS?

    Any further details will help.

    Best Regards,


  • The email with the license file from TI indicates it is a time-limited node locked license.  I setup your new license by going to the License Options dialog. Go to the Help menu and select "Code Composer Studio Licensing Information." Select the Manage tab and specify your license file location.

    Here is part of the license file email:

                    Fulfillment ID: CustomFID_0BF97210_6A3A_11E1_923E_8518ABA65CA0

                    Activation ID : D3EB-9F60-6A39-11E1-923E-F648-023D-7E41

                    Product Name : CCSTUDIO TMDFCCS-ALLT90A

                    Product Version : 5

                    Activation Date : Mar 9, 2012

                    Start Date : Mar 9, 2012

                    Expiration Date : Jun 7, 2012

                   Fulfillment Count : 1

                    Overdraft Count : 0

                    Server Ids :

                    Node Locked Ids : VENDOR_DEFINED=001c234afbf8

                    License Model Name : DSP-NLK-Expire-CCS-90day

                    License Model Attributes :

                            VENDOR_STRING :Not Used

    Here is the license file contents:

    #Please Do not delete this comment line.

    INCREMENT CCS_CONNECTION_ALL tidspssw 5.99 7-jun-2012 uncounted \

    VENDOR_STRING="Not Used" HOSTID=001c234afbf8 ISSUER="Texas \

    Instruments Inc." \

    SN=CustomFID_0BF97210_6A3A_11E1_923E_8518ABA65CA0 \

    START=8-mar-2012 TS_OK SIGN="007B CC7F D483 89EE A538 4C0D \

    F3FC BF00 192B 55A7 359F 5D9B 1ADA 27A0 D5CC"

    INCREMENT CCS_DEBUGGER tidspssw 5.99 7-jun-2012 uncounted \

    VENDOR_STRING="Not Used" HOSTID=001c234afbf8 ISSUER="Texas \

    Instruments Inc." \

    SN=CustomFID_0BF97210_6A3A_11E1_923E_8518ABA65CA0 \

    START=8-mar-2012 TS_OK SIGN="00D7 B5BB 6EDF 64CB 6F1A D2EB \

    9586 FA00 23BA CA0C E194 09DC B219 D25F 98F6"

    INCREMENT CCS_LINKER_FULL tidspssw 5.99 7-jun-2012 uncounted \

    VENDOR_STRING="Not Used" HOSTID=001c234afbf8 ISSUER="Texas \

    Instruments Inc." \

    SN=CustomFID_0BF97210_6A3A_11E1_923E_8518ABA65CA0 \

    START=8-mar-2012 TS_OK SIGN="0061 75BB CA66 2C8F FB6B F94C \

    286F 2F00 D37A 8ED3 9549 A312 400C AD6D 2F87"

    INCREMENT CCS_ISA_ALL tidspssw 5.99 7-jun-2012 uncounted \

    VENDOR_STRING="Not Used" HOSTID=001c234afbf8 ISSUER="Texas \

    Instruments Inc." \

    SN=CustomFID_0BF97210_6A3A_11E1_923E_8518ABA65CA0 \

    START=8-mar-2012 TS_OK SIGN="006B 5D1A 78E1 274B EC5D 9048 \

    48C9 3300 07E2 E198 60AB 7FEB E09B 7391 1C80"


    I the host ID looks like it is resolved within CCSv5.  Here is the image from the window:


  • Hi Fred,

    ok now I am confused.  First of all, for a node locked license you do not need a server, the vendor daemon, or flexnet at all.  So I am not sure why you are getting a flexnet error?  What if you remove the license server setup?  You really just need to point to the file.

    Did you purchase a license?  Have you already done a demo?  This almost seems like it is a demo license ..?

    Please keep us informed.

    Best Regards,

  • Lisa,

    Yes this is for a 90 day demo.  I did not try to set up any license server.  I just went in through the Help->Code Composer Sutdio Licensing Information->Upgrade->Launch License Setup->Activate->Next->Browse to license file. /home/tidev/TMDFCCS-ALLT90A-v5.lic.

    The License Mgr Shows the following: Note: The first 2 lines can not be deleted.



  • Hi Fred,

    Ok, is there actually a license file in the two locked directories?  What if you copy the .lic file into the /tidev/license folder and also the /DebugServer/license ... ie the other two places it wants to check.

    Did you install and do you have full permissions?  I know Linux and CCS are extremely fussy when it comes to permissions.  Did you make sure to grab and enter the MAC address as case sensitive?

    Best Regards,

  • Lisa,

    I installed the CCSv5 studio just like the instructions said "sudo ./setup_ccstudioXXX.bin"  I just tried copying the license file to either of the two other directories and I continue to get the same error.

    Here is the screen shot from the ifconfig:

    The MAC address is all lower case and it is lower case in the license file and in the License Info. View Image. 

  • Hi Fred,

    hmm this is odd.  You should have been able to simply select the "EVALUATE" button.

    Do you have an eth0?  Did you take the MAC from above the "register" button as mentioned on this wiki?  DId you enter the MAC with or without the colons?

    Have you done a previous evaluation?  What happens if you launch the license setup and select evaluate?

    Best Regards,

  • Lisa,

    I do not have an eth0 and not sure why?  I have not done a previous evaluation.  I installed Version  I do not have the evaluate option.  I have 3 radio buttons:

    1) Activate

    2) Free License -- for use with xxx boards (not what I need)

    3) Code Size Limited (MSP430)

    I need to use a JTAG emulator XD560v3 STM.  I was not able to register from from the actual host machine because our IT will not allow it on our network. (A long complicated security related issue)  I used the TI website to request a license and I do not think that I put in any colons in for the MAC name.



  • HI Fred,

    ok, we have generated a new evaluation license for you good until the end of May.  I will send it to you offline.  Please expect a friend request first and then we can open an offline conversation.

    Best Regards,


  • I had this same problem with the license for my Linux system.  The root cause is that FlexLM only checks for the MAC address of eth0.  If you primary ethernet controller is not enumerated as eth0, you have to modify your setup to get eth0 to show up with the MAC address that matches your license.  For newer Linux systems with udev, just edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and set the NAME field for the device with the correct MAC address in your license to "eth0".  If another device is already eth0, exchange the two names.